government work gone NUTS!

Im not scared of the flu and I will not be getting a shot for it.

Only healthcare profesionals are required to get the shot…

Nurses/Doctors/Hospital Staff etc…

Im sure it would be a hospital requirement if it wasnt government… makes sense to me

If it was mandatory for the general population to get it well then that wouldent be acceptable in my book


thats a risk, were willing to let you take:shifty

thats why you dont work for a government agency.

its quite simple, especially for military/military employees. they own you for the duration of your contract. failure to comply can result in termination. i see no issues at all, you know going into it you will do what youre told, when told to do it(within reason of course) and unless you can prove that a certain medication or shot will kill you, it doesnt matter what you say.

They make your kids get shots for public schools. Just saying…

I want to be Nemesis, if thats the case. How can you go wrong with a huge chain gun?

Thanks for that.

Ill take the version of the T-virus that made that hot chick superhuman but not turn into an ogre.

Thanks for the new sig

Last I heard there was a court injunction making it not mandatory, bunch of people got worked up over it. Not sure how long that will last though.

The h1n1 shot requirement did not pass