Gran Turismo delayed indefinitely

If you can’t sing along with every word of “The Chronic”, please edit your thread. Now.

i can with a lot of the songs :lol more so 2001

good thing i bought my ps3 cause it played blu-ray discs.


^^^ def not true… you guys may say “well when if finally comes out its gonna be the best”… doesnt matter its not out and its been delayed for years… forza may not be perfect but its here and was here ontime. and until its ACTUALLY out not just speculation. then alls you ps3 guys can do is go to your friends house who has a 360 so you can play forza…

I just turn on my 360

I’m not really a gamer. The only video game I’ve played in the last 7 or 8 years was GT4. And I played it a lot. Had gold in every license test I’m embarrassed to say.

I’d rather play GT3 on PS2 than forza 3. And I was expecting Forza to be amazing.

well you stoopid

yeah I’ve been to my friends just to play forza 3 but does that mean i like forza better? no. i’ve tried it and i hate it…but i do wish they let you do engine swaps in GT5 like forza
I’m with LKSi. i’d rather play gt3 than forza all day:eek2

i used to be a gt fanboy as well.

then i played a game that was better in every way possible.

gran turismo FAILS HARD at being a racing sim compared to forza, and forza isnt even a very good sim compared to other pc offerings.

you can feel the cars much much better in forza than gt, i used to be real into gt4 drifting, made vids, etc. and if there’s a style of racing that you need to have a good ‘sense’ of the car it’s drifting, and compared to even forza 1, gt4 was worlds behind.

and no fucking skid marks? even in gt5 there wont be skid marks! THATS RETARDED.

Just make some skid marks benny!

literally going to play forza 3 right now. all the GT fanboiz in this thread can screw off and play GT5


If you are seriously worried about skid marks over driving reality, you’re probably not playing Forza for the same reason I play GT.

Have fun with your shitty ass pitstops, unrealistic tire wear, short ass “endurance” races, and dumpy interior view.

If you want to play a “realistic” racing game and have fun, play Forza.
If you want to play a realistic driving simulation and have fun, play GT.

yes realistic driving would imply that you should have TIRE MARKS… it shouldnt be hard to do but then again neither should actually releasing the game.but as we know they cant do that either so fail

Truth. That was my favorite of the GT series. So far.

Also, the gt series has always had a wider choice of tire compounds.
3 economy compounds
3 sport compounds
5 race compounds
1 snow
1 dirt

Oh wait, Forza doesn’t have rally either :rofl

So I’m not allowed to be worried about no skidmarks, a fundamental part of a fundamental RACING sim, but you’re nitpicking about pitstops :rofl :rofl :rofl

Here I thought it was a racing/driving sim and not a pitstop simulator.

Damn. You right Chuck, that theoretical game must be way better than Forza.

How is the tire wear in Forza unrealistic? Will GT5 tire wear change between cement, asphault, and say, grass? If not, can I cal your tire wear unrealistic as well?

You have fun in your endurance race that you can set the controller down and walk away from at any pitstop…yup that’s realistic :rofl

At least in Forza, you can hire a driver for the longest races…that’s a bit more realistic I’d say, wouldn’t you, Chuck?

I don’t really care about skidmarks because I’m always using the interior view in GT5 so I have a limited view of my surroundings.

In GT4, I did all the endurance races myself the first time. It took me about 4 days to do each of the 24hr races. After I beat them I would go back in b-spec mode just so I could win more money.

I would rather have pitstops where I can decide whether or not to fuel, whether or not to change tires, whether or not to change front and rear tires, or both, and what tire compound to change them to than skid marks.

I’m still perplexed as to why Forza does not include rally events. Maybe they felt they would be copying GT…

Also the longest race in Forza 3 is only like an hour and a half. I hardly call that an “endurance” race.

LOL @ Caz defending a game that doesnt exist. Playing Forza, brb.