Halloween Costumes

no gold chains? Gotta have gold chains.

I need to borrow one.



try to get one with a huge chili pepper thing alot of the guido/gotti’s wear


That’s a shitty guido attempt. You atleast need a blow out and you can’t rock the white t-shirt underneath the button up. Lose the aviators and go find a fake, cheap pair of D&G sun glasses and then repost pic.

You need a blowout. That will not work.

Blow out and no under shirt.

god you suck at guido life

im going to this party as the invisible man

Do you jackoffs not understand what mock up means?

No undershirt is a given, and a blowout really only works with longer hair.

My boss came to work in this…

no blow out = no guido

find a different costume!

spiked hair works perfectly.

why don’t you be a guido. then we can have a competition to see who really has a better costume.

We as a company have a Halloween parade every year.

Our department (Helpdesk/Desktop Support) did the Adams family last year. I was Gomez. We won the group costume thing.

This year we did Charlie Brown. I was Charlie Brown. From the cheers we got, we’re probably going to win again (5yr in a row).

Other notables at work:

Marketing - 80’s fitness. One guy, Justin, was Richard Simmons. NAILED IT. Hair on the back and everything (fake hair in this case).

Good friend John - He’s 5’6" but he’s Haggard from Harry Potter. He got the stilts and everything. Best individual costume here by far.


Must be hard to type though.

i celebrated halloween at my job by calling in the past two days.

I was that 2 years ago when my new hair cut was funny.

Sleazy sales man this year my friend. Slicked back hair, incredibly tacky suit (purchased from the fine establishment, Salvation Army), fake mustache, and a stack of my buddies business cards. I’m good to go with mine.

get some personal business cards to hand out to the ladiez

I’d hand out my own, but I don’t think my girlfriend would appreciate that.