Halloween Costumes

What chu gunna be?

I got me helmet ready :stuck_out_tongue:

the transformers camaro costume is sweet, someone post vid of it from youtube

wtf is going on in that vid… guy needs a car to work on or something… has wayyyyyy too much time on his hands

i gots me my gorrila outfit and ontop of that outfit i will be a mexican thug so in terms im going to be a mexican thug gorilla

I’m going to be a chinaman.

^^LOL im gonna be a cop!

lol! info on where your pop’s got that siren thing lmao…

I’m gonna be an old man wearing an argyle sweater vest, khaki dress pants, dress shoes, an old man hat, and smoke a cigar while I drive my Miata lmao

you drive a miata… this should be your costume…


edit: i did it for lulz… i’m sorry!


Im going to be a s13 :slight_smile:

so your going to be easy to modify, cheap, several shades of the same colour, have multiple previous owners and flex alot?

Billy Mays here!
Do I have a product for you!

My son’s dressing up as a monkey! =D

Stop fronting…

i’m gunna be an H1N1 patient

I think Iwill just grab a few beers and be an alcoholic. Or Jesus.

Girls gone wild camera guy:cool:

White t-shirt, with a potato drawn on it, then ill get baked, and become a baked potato

im goinna grab my slap chop and be “vince with slap chop”
