Halo nerds...whos getting theirs Monday at midnight?

Hells no… I’m cruising home in the rental :smiley:

Getting mine monday night @ Game stop in Wegmanns plaza on military in N.Falls.

I preordered mine at eb in the mall…

How will that work as far as getting it at midnight?


I heard snape kills master chief.

I am surprised the modded Xboxers here have not downloaded and played it yet since it was leaked on the 20th

boxxa and some others did and posted pics…the bastards :smash2:

woo i cant wait to pick mine up play all night and all day and not go to school. lol.

great i pre ordered mine and i cant even get it till friday cause im going out of town

ive planned the last 4 months of my life around this games release…if i was you, id be taking my box with me and have the preorder shipped to wherever you’re going…

if anyone is on the fence about buying it i just picked it up for $45 and i just have to wait a few days to get it … www.familyvideo.com sells it for $50 and then there is a coupon code for $5 off… and the coupon code was on spoofee.com but the site isnt loading so quickly so that is all the leg work i am doing for you.

85% downloaded. Should have it in a couple hours. Could have had it Saturday but I didn’t start the download until around 11pm last night.

NHL 08 is queued up too. :slight_smile:

about 12 hours to go :smiley: :nerd:

I was just thinking the same thing.

Who is actually shelling out the $130 for the toy helmet? Not me…

I have been playing it since Wednesday. Matchmaking and achievements are now working too online.

Guess im not a true nerd :frowning: Id rather just pay for the actual game and support bungie :tup:

in for playing tonite @ sean’s due to xbox 360 bullshit breaking issue. lol

yeah i think this is one of those “worth having” games. now that i got it for $45 im saying i defenitely had to get it.

I bought it. I love Bungie Studios. I just wanted to play it and not have to wait in line tonight at midnight.

werd thats cool then. i dont mind waiting in line for a bit, nerdy shit like that is fun to me :slight_smile: Plus i got a hot date with rubicant at chilis before hand as well :loopie:

I cant decide if i just want to play through single player tonight or dive right into multi. This could get ugly :picard: :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Itagaki bought the helmet edition of Halo 3 but I am not sure.