Xbox 360 - whos gettin one on launch?

:hay: Speak up if youre getting one :hay:

I plan on getting one when i get home, will go along nicely with the 56 inch DLP Samsung and surround sound im planning on getting. :eekdance:

Also post up if youre gonna be on xbox live we need a nyspeed clan to own all the foul mouthed 14 yr old kids on Halo 2 :mamoru:

BTW, anyone know what the launch date is?

But yeah I will be getting one on launch, and will also be on xbox live :wave:

x360 nurds UNITE :tup: :smiley:

I think it is the 22nd

I plan on getting one then

Edit - Nov 22

I want to get one but all the reservations are sold out. I think there might still be some available in stores for a short time on the release date. I might have to go into work late Nov. 22.

Yes,I’ll be buying a few to re-sell around x-mas :D.

im prolley gonna get the new PS2 …i dont like that fact that you gotta pay for XBOX Live…Free online gameplay is where its at :slight_smile:

there is a nyspeed clan – it’s “nyspeeddotcom” and i sent invites to everyone that has posted their tagger so far… if i missed anyone, send me a pm.

btw to stay somewhat on topic – i’ll be getting a 360, but not on launch. halo 3 is set to rival the release of the ps3, so i could care less about 360 until halo 3 comes out. :smiley:

eh… i’m still debating. I prolly wont bother till after xmas.

Im waiting til after the holidays til the huge rush is over. . .

As far as paying for online gaming, if you even try to compare xbox Live to anything Sony can muster, you’d look like a fool. Live is sooo worth it, extra maps, or cars, or whatever it may be for a game is worth it alone.

sony aint got shit on ms when it comes to online gaming.

I got mine preordered already also.


i’ll just play SilverGAY’s

Yeah I was reading something the other day that said Sony pretty much stopped working on the Online portion of PS2 when they started to work on PS3. At the same time Xbox kept pushing and increasing support for their online service which is why MS has the edge right now.

MS has a big edge!!!

i cant wait to get mine, the hack the shit out of it!!!

hehe yeah I know it. 200GB HD and a Blockbuster card are in my future.



Really? How much less? Thats an odd thing to say. So you care but not fully. Interesting.

yeah you’re right. the expression is “couldn’t care less”. very astute observation… :bloated:

i figured it wasn’t worth editing. sry mr. grammar police, i won’t let it happen again.

yeah, dont. :lol:

Thats just a pet peeve of mine. Similar to the phrase “You think your are going to get ______ from me but you’ve got another THINK coming.” Most people say “thing coming”.

Sorry to go Grammar PoPo on you.



no harm done.

umm it would be thing dumb dumb. . .

as in thing could be another thought, sure, or how about a smack in the face, thats not a think is it now?