xbox 360?

When is xbox 360 due out?

My bro got me a $100 gift card for EB… and $50 from my sis… So I’m wondering if I should get a few games or wait for xbox 360…

Due sometime in November, looking like it might be early in the month. Price was just set thoughL $299.99 for the base system (1 cont. basic cables), $399.99 for the premium (wireless cont., media remote, HD cables, 20GB HDD)

Go put money down if you’re thinking about it Tom, otherwise you might not see one til nest year.

I’ve been reading the rumor mills about this one… and apparently MS has told developers to not always rely on the HD being there… kinda :tdown: THe one thing that I liked about xbox is that you could save to the HD and not memory cards… If anything I wish that sony would incorperate their Memory stick into the PS3 like they did the PSP because $20 for 8mb or $29 for 64mb card makes me think… I’m getting ripped off.

Werd… I think I’ll pick up the $400 one… yes… thatl do nicely…

I want one only because i want a media center expander for my media center laptop. Where should I go to put money down?

November? count on getting your hands on one by like January or February lol.

you know the way they release this shit – with an emphasis on “demand exceeding supply” :tdown:

that said i will be in line to get one as soon as they come out… :smiley:

got my deposit in on one.

cant wait


I didn’t think it was amazing.

thats cause ur still riding ps2’s outdated nuts

get with the program jack :slight_smile:

definitely PS3, yo =)

lol ps3, now thats funny.

too bad this time around xbox will be out a lot longer than the ps3

uhhhh anyone care to answer where one could plunk down $$ on a 360??

gamestop, eb, the usual plases, even online

For your information buddy… I’m an avid supporter of the X-BOX. I believe it is the best system on the market today. I also own a PS2… and I think it is not as good, but has some very nice titles.

The I saw all the movies, previews and such on the 360 and I didn’t see anything that the current day X-BOX shouldn’t be able to handle. Until they really max out the current system I don’t think I should be dropping 4 bills on a new one… that doesn’t look any better than my current system.

ahh, cool. yeah i’ll stick the the retail locations this time… after pre-ordering halo 2 from amazon and waiting like 2 weeks to get it. :roll:

at least if they screw me at a retail location i can go in and yell at somone face-to-face… it’s just not the same over the phone… :slight_smile:

The real benefits come into play when you have a computer running Windows media center edition 2005 in your home… this works as an extender for that machine, and you can access all sorts of stuff off of it, photos, videos, games, TV (fully HD capable), radio, audio files / playlists, etc.

ps2 for life…howie had PS1 still

good luck reserving them now… I reserved mine on 6/13/05 according to my receipt, and I made it in for the 2nd shipment to the EB where i went, which will be the last one before christmas i think (he said probably early december for me… november is expected for the 1st shipment). By now they’re probably on the 32nd shipment.

meh… i think i might just skip over xbox 360… the more i think about it the less its worth it…

I think I’ll pick up battlefield 2 tho…