XBox 360 Price Cut

Just saw on CNBC Microsoft is going to be cutting the XBox 360 price another $50.

Let the price wars begin. :headbang:

it was only a matter of time. This combined with halo and GTA it should sell tons of systems.

price wars with who? playstation? they are fazing out the system that had the price cut… a more expensive bundle is going to take its place.


price wars with who? playstation? they are fazing out the system that had the price cut… a more expensive bundle is going to take its place.


moar!!? What the fuck could that shitty company possible offer people?


moar!!? What the fuck could that shitty company possible offer people?


from the other thread on here, “an 80 gig hard drive and a copy or some racing game”

which still fails because now there is an xbox elite that has a 120gig hdd
^ thats the thread i was talking about

ahhhh, thats so uber gay. I have always hated sony cause they are pulling shit like this.

It doesn’t matter what Sony bundles xBox is going to pwn Sony at the holidays again. BTW I read in the WSJ that Sony may be moving toward another price cut across the PS3 line. Look forward to some good deals this November.

the thing with the ps3 is that you get the blu-ray dvd player too…
however it is way more than i want to spend on a console right now, but they do hold their value fairly well over time and it will take a long time before that technology is really outdated.

think about it… how many people here still play ps2…
i do…
i dont think the graphics are super awesome fantastic anymore, but they arent “bad” yet.
like if you were to fire up a ps1, then yes i think those graphics are weak, but that is a really old system.

i think in the long run the ps3 will dominate.

as of right now though, xbox and wii are out in front. (and i dont mean profits… i know blah blah blah xbox is losing money. i mean units sold)

true about the bluray, but at the same time… I give it another year or so until players start getting cheaper.

it was the same with DVD at first, now you can get them for 20-30 bones.

if Sony was smart, they’d of made the BR drive plug and play as an option you can buy. Obvously it would be required for some titles, but that way they could compete with xbox a little easier. There aren’t a whole lot of people willing to drop that much loot on a video game system

i hear what you are saying… i think its also kinda risky because there are two formats out… hddvd and bluray… now if bluray goes extinct, and you bought the ps3 to play bluray discs, its kind of a huge waste…

i dunno… any news on which disc is going to take over?

they are both in the market pretty strong right now but until i get a 1080p tv i dont care either way i have way too many dvds to give a shit yet.

Screw DVD’s BitTorrent+ big hdd FTW

From what I’ve read PS3 really is a far superior system technology wise and that Sony and the game makers haven’t even started to tap its resourses and that its technology will outlast the 360 in that they can keep ramping up the quality of the games where 360 will have to level out because its held back by its lack of technology. I have no idea about computer processors or anything like that I’m just going by what I read and have no idea if its true. Just thought I’d share.


From what I’ve read PS3 really is a far superior system technology wise and that Sony and the game makers haven’t even started to tap its resourses and that its technology will outlast the 360 in that they can keep ramping up the quality of the games where 360 will have to level out because its held back by its lack of technology. I have no idea about computer processors or anything like that I’m just going by what I read and have no idea if its true. Just thought I’d share.


But it is SONY. They always manage to fuck it up somehow. It might be capable, but they wont use it or exploit the power it has…As usual.

I still haven’t bought one of the “next gen” systems yet because I can’t decide which one I like more. I’m a HUGE Gran Turismo and Metal Gear nut, which makes me want the PS3. But a couple of my friends have the 360 and if I get one, we can all play online together. I’m leaning towards the PS3 but each day I change my mind. Grumble.

in that amount of time microsoft will just build a new system.


in that amount of time microsoft will just build a new system.


So you’d rather buy 2 systems then 1 PS3? Doesn’t that defeat the point of arguing about how much a PS3 costs?

still waiting for the newer cooling system before I buy one


still waiting for the newer cooling system before I buy one


Once they start manufacturing them with the new .065 micron process (CPU) you won’t need such an elaborate cooling device for them. Not sure if the ATi GPU is going to get a die shrink as well but this migration for the CPU will do wonders.

I can honestly say that i love my 360, i bought it just to have it and now im glad i did. with the available titles and xbox live being so fing sweet its a real perk.