XBox 360 Price Cut


I still haven’t bought one of the “next gen” systems yet because I can’t decide which one I like more. I’m a HUGE Gran Turismo and Metal Gear nut, which makes me want the PS3. But a couple of my friends have the 360 and if I get one, we can all play online together. I’m leaning towards the PS3 but each day I change my mind. Grumble.


That’s the same boat I’m floating in, waiting on one of the two. Plus the PS2 games upscaling now is pretty awesome.


That’s the same boat I’m floating in, waiting on one of the two. Plus the PS2 games upscaling now is pretty awesome.


shut up asshole! 360 is the shizzle


shut up asshole! 360 is the shizzle


yea but with my luck the day the warranty is up, i will get the red circles of death and then i’m out xxx.xx dollars…

if there werent so many issues with the 360 i would not hesitate to buy it. just out of my friends everyone has had to exchange theirs atlease once except for one friend who hasn’t had any issues… so like lets say 9/10 people i know that have them, have had them fail.

but i do like the system and the games… i am a huge GOW junkie… at my friends house. :slight_smile:

Yeah i fortunately have not had any issues. I only got mine a few monts ago though.


yea but with my luck the day the warranty is up, i will get the red circles of death and then i’m out xxx.xx dollars…

if there werent so many issues with the 360 i would not hesitate to buy it. just out of my friends everyone has had to exchange theirs atlease once except for one friend who hasn’t had any issues… so like lets say 9/10 people i know that have them, have had them fail.

but i do like the system and the games… i am a huge GOW junkie… at my friends house. :slight_smile:


My friend kept having problems with his xbox, he exchanged it a few times. The warrenty went up and he had a problem with it so he bought a new one and put the broken one in the box and returned it.
I’m going to wait another few months or year to get ps3

I’m not sure about GT5 for the PS3, but in my opinion Forza2 is better than GT4. The brakes are a bit touchy, but I just turned on ABS in the options. A lot of people bitch about it being too easy to break the rear end loose, but I think it’s pretty realistic. With the right tires the cars with 400HP or less don’t break loose that easy. Sure, if you’re turning as fast as you can and roll on throttle, the ass end steps out. Same thing happens in my GTO at a track day. 100% traction and steady speed in a turn means you don’t have traction left to accellerate. As you dial out turn, you roll on throttle.

Yeah, the 700+ HP cars are a bitch to control with a throttle that has 1/2" of travel. When I get to that point in career mode I’ll probably go buy a wheel/pedal set.

And if you’re holding out for GT5, it’s gonna be a while.

the 360 warranty is 3 years now, even if it dies the day after the warranty runs out thats less then 30 cents a day for ownership (more if if buy the upgraded system)


the 360 warranty is 3 years now, even if it dies the day after the warranty runs out thats less then 30 cents a day for ownership (more if if buy the upgraded system)


then all the money invested in games and controllers etc etc etc
i refuse to pay that much for something with such a high failure rate.

so 30 cents a day for three years and then it breaks and you what… buy another? sell all the games?

Ugh I am so sick of all the fanboy shit.

Quit being a bunch of poor motherfuckers and just buy both.

did they ever figure out how to mod the Samsung drive yet?


Ugh I am so sick of all the fanboy shit.

Quit being a bunch of poor motherfuckers and just buy both.




Ugh I am so sick of all the fanboy shit.

Quit being a bunch of poor motherfuckers and just buy both.


That was my plan. So far I have Wii. PS3 comes this weekend, and I’ll probably get 360 so I can play games with my friends from NY who have it.


Ugh I am so sick of all the fanboy shit.

Quit being a bunch of poor motherfuckers and just buy both.


Done and done!

And for those concerned about the reliability of the 360, wait for the 65nm chips to come out. Lower power consumption, less heat, smaller heatsink, etc… The biggest problem has been cooling. Last I heard, it should be sometime in August or September they start using the smaller chips.


Ugh I am so sick of all the fanboy shit.

Quit being a bunch of poor motherfuckers and just buy both.


+1, I have both consoles, both from launch, both still purring. I love the proce cuts though.

I use the ps3 more now though, even though it has less games. Especially since bluray has blockbuster and target, and ps3 also has a good game lineup starting in a couple months.


Done and done!

And for those concerned about the reliability of the 360, wait for the 65nm chips to come out. Lower power consumption, less heat, smaller heatsink, etc… The biggest problem has been cooling. Last I heard, it should be sometime in August or September they start using the smaller chips.


Hmm, where have I heard this before… Oh yeah, I said it…


Once they start manufacturing them with the new .065 micron process (CPU) you won’t need such an elaborate cooling device for them. Not sure if the ATi GPU is going to get a die shrink as well but this migration for the CPU will do wonders.


That’s it, expect a bottle upside your head tonight!!!

Anyways, repeating something usually helps people remember it. :stuck_out_tongue:

It appears that the HD-DVD drive followed suit. The price was cut by $20 down to $179. Plus they’re running an offer for 5 free HD-DVDs (from a list of 20 :P) when you purchase the drive.


That’s it, expect a bottle upside your head tonight!!!

Anyways, repeating something usually helps people remember it. :stuck_out_tongue:

It appears that the HD-DVD drive followed suit. The price was cut by $20 down to $179. Plus they’re running an offer for 5 free HD-DVDs (from a list of 20 :P) when you purchase the drive.


Hehehe… Be a man and use a pint glass!! :wink:

Bump up for this


Done and done!

And for those concerned about the reliability of the 360, wait for the 65nm chips to come out. Lower power consumption, less heat, smaller heatsink, etc… The biggest problem has been cooling. Last I heard, it should be sometime in August or September they start using the smaller chips.


According to this article: Xbox 360 65nm chips out there, 45nm chips in the future

The 65nm are out, and in ~2 years the 45nm will be out.