Don't Get Rid of that PS2 Just Yet PS3 Fans!!

sony aint got shit on the xbox 360, never has, never will.

Sony Just realized that they are releasing their platform 1/2 Year after the HUGE holiday rush; after The Xbox360 already has the majority of homes in it’s back pocket; and too late to make a difference in their stagnent figures-to-be.


I think they are screwed too… So much for the baller CELL Processor from IBM taking the crown away from Microsoft and Intel. Oh well!

No, I still think that the Cell cpu has a shit-ton of potential. Unforunately it’ll have a horrible coming out vehicle.


I am a big Playstation supporter and it seems that this article is very Xbox biased but if Sony can’t deliver backwards compatibility then I worry about Sony’s gaming future.

Of course I am probably wrong and they will come out with a system that will blow everyone away.

Either way, I am getting Xbox360…I MUST!!

I’m not doubting the internals, but the business strategy and implementation sucks. From what I’ve read about CELL on other sites, it’s a parellel processing giant.

:word: exactly.

Xbox 360 > *

You Microsoft whore, Papi!! :shoot: :rofl:

lol…only want it to play Project Gotham Racing 3

dunno after this news if I should get the PS3 too

the PS3 will be a beast, and will be a great gaming machine… but their marketing team HAS to have something up their sleeves… SONY wouldn’t do this to themselves.

Sometimes quality is overlooked in the gaming world for availability…

You still running Pentiums or You switch to AMD yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

P4 4 L

bhaahahh sucks to be you

pc > crap ass video game systems

I would love to believe that but I always have a bitch of a time getting games to work for the PC. Refer to my thread in this section of the forum about my computer issues.

:word: Sony knows what they are doing. To already be saying that the XBOX 360 already is better than the PS3 is kind of silly… they aren’t out yet. If I’m not mistaken the are some issues with the XBOX 360 being backwards compatible. Don’t you need the hard drive system to help with that? Either way both system should be aboubt the same this time around. I really don’t see there being that much of a difference. Sony has their fan base as does Microsoft. I hope success to all the systems… that’s the only reason a company strives to make their system as good as possible… competition helps the marketplace. Look at the Madden franchise… I’m not bashing it because I have fun playing the game… but it could make for bland updates every year. It’s that way with consoles too. I’ll probably end up with a PS3 unless the 360 surprises me… I may get that instead for xbox live… who knows. Let’s just keep the fanboy talk out of this thread.

You meathead… Xbox 360 > Xbox and everything else out. I am sure that MS didn’t skimp on quality, they just had a better product plan from day 1. If Capcom and Square make games for Xbox 360, I might have to buy one…

man. that must suck.

it’s kinda like driving a TT AWD JDM supercar… that run’s 15’s :naughty:

back ON-Topic:

The reason that I say the Xbox 360 SEEMS TO BE > the PS3 is becuase MS has actually released info & specs… whereas the PS3 is still just a processor. Granted, it’s apparently a wicked processor, but theres nothing else to it.

Not to mention ALL of the other capabilities the MS Console is offering.