How to get pics off of a RZR?

I can’t SMS, because the phone is no longer active. If i plug it in to the mini USB on my computer, it knows something is there, but it can’t do anything with it. Is there a program I can use to connect my PC to it?

bitpim usually works

bluetooth, fag.

A cracked copy of MPT oughta do the trick:

i don’t know how to use bluetooth. what hardware do i need?

ur computer needs to have a bluetooth receiver on it. either that or u need to buy a bluetooth adapter for ur pc.

omg are these the real dawn nudes?

If you’ve got the cable and the computer is seeing it, you’re almost there. You need a PC driver for the phone and either that’s it, or some software.

Bitpim is free cell phone data software. Try installing and see if it works.

moto tools… im prety sure you can get them from their website.

Get one those and use it to sync the phone and the computer. Then you can move pictures, ringtones and video clips back and forth.

if the phone isnt active then why spend money.

also, bitpim will accomplish the same goals

My laptop has bluetooth, I’ll get the pics off for you.

You need Motorola mobile phone tools.

when i use to have my chocolate, i used bitpim with the data cable and it worked fine.

+1 for bitpim

Bitpim does NOT always work.

Certain rzr’s are locked, and bitpim will not be able to transfer any data.

Trust me, I tried it.

Not to be off topic but I have a Krazer and i’d love to know how to transfer picts back and forth…if anyone knows i’ll buy you a cheese burger because I tried for about 2 hours and failed…and I have verizon

Is it a GSM phone by any chance?

bitpim. just plug it in and run the program

Newman, Razr’s are silly easy to get hooked up to the pc. Either use Bitpim, or Motorola Phone Tools.

Easiest info on how to’s go to it literally will take u 5 minutes since u already have the cable.