HVCC Fall 2009

i heard classes are goin to be canceled because of the traffic n roads closed…

I just talked to my dad (NYSP) and he was telling me that his buddies in the SORT team (NYSP’s SWAT team) were escorting the secret service around for the next couple of days to plan everything out. they shut down the bridges, roads and telephone lines while the motorcade is in route. I guess they have all sorts of ppl staked out on bridges/buildings etc just incase.
Thats some pretty cool shit, atleast I think so…

Telephone lines? You got to be kidding me,

I guess they shut off the lines in some office building while the motorcade is going past. Just what I heard…

I’m going to get fucking snipered. SHIT!

if you do get shot at let me know, ill run blocker :thumbup

Does anybody know exactly where on campus the speech is going to take place? I must park as close as possible

Adam told me they are taking up 500 parking spots for the security/gov. staff for the event! 500?!

Adam’s just pullin’ numbers out of his ass

i just heard on the news its not released where yet

Something is going to happen. The people there can barely keep themselves civilized while they are attending classes let alone having the President of our nation speak to them…

no one’s gonna mistake you for obama you white bastard

No, but I’m going to ride across the campus on the bike to avoid traffic like I normally do and they will probably think I am some sort of terrorist or something along those lines.

i guess they want at least 500 parking spots for ppl going to the speech not from hvcc and they are charging 50 75 bucks to see him fuckk that i wouldnt pay a dollar

I will be attending.

Somebody has to print out a shit load of the Obama Socialism posters


Obama is a great public speaker, I have to admit. Most people can learn a thing or two just by listening to him talk.

He makes no sense when he talks though, if someone asked him a question he’ll never really answer it.

That I have to agree with.

I was referring more towards the speaking part though, you can pick up on words and expressions just by watching him talk. A lot of people these days don’t know how to use proper English, sadly. Not just on forums, but in real life as well…

I’m not saying to spell everything right and capitalize everything, dot your I’s and cross your T’s. However, when Petey Pablo comes up to me and says “What up yo? Whats chillin chillin” I tend to look at them a little differently.

Pulling into campus I saw these kids in a Ram pickup. One kid standing up in the bed with that “I’m a badass” look on his face (when in reality he just looks incredibly white trash), and another kid sitting down trying to act like his cool friend but still classified as white trash IMO for partaking in such activities on a college campus.

Now there is a time and place for things like that. Unfortunately a community college is not one of them.