Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license

Conservatives still hate the plan because we don’t think illegal aliens should get any rights.

Kill em all

“kill em all” goes a bit far.

Deport them all and severely punish anyone who hires them works though.

As long as the write ILLEGAL in big read font on the license I am 100% for it.
That would be perfect.

Can I just make a point clear.

A NYS driver’s license is not “VALID PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP”
It just proves you can drive in NYS and is state issued photo ID.
You do not have to be a citizen to have one.

Kill the ones we find hiding? I can compromise

Merged. Come on Jay, you started both of these threads, you should know where the first one was :meh:

fucking L O L



No shit.

I believe that was the point I was making.
Re-read my post.

A license is useless when it comes to being proof of anything except that a state claims you passed a test which “proves” you are capable of driving.
I was just making the point that the license stating “NOT VALID PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP” on them, like suggested, would be very redundant.

bullshit. state endorsed ID is accepted by nearly everyone from retail offices to state applications (DL & major CC).

DL = gov’t issued photo ID. This is akin to a passport in the eyes of most offices.


to go further:

DL are accepted as a form of VERIFICATION because the very fact that NYS issued John Q Smith implies that NYS verified SIX POINTS of ID (birth cert; ssi card; etc…).

Joel dug up my response to the other thread above. Beyond that, I’m really not sure about this issue, as I haven’t researched what exactly his proposal entails, and I don’t like to form my opinion on an issue until I know all of the facts involved.


ID sure. Has your photo has your name, that is good and dandy.
They are issued by states.

Proof of citizenship. Not by a long shot.

To go further.
That doesn’t mean shit and rarely holds true.
Anyone can get a driver’s license.

Verification of what? That the name you put on your application for a license matches the photo you took?

For example. A Canadian to get a driver’s license in many states, all the person has to do is turn in their valid canadian license and have proof of residence within that state. Woo hoo!

A license is about as secure as a college ID.
Hell for some states it might be more secure.

you mean to tell me that if you walked into a bank to open a deposit account, the bank would not accept a NYS DL & Ccard as ID?

or, if you went to rent a vehicle, NYS DL & CCard?

purchase a shotgun from walmart…?

I could go on.

Try doing those things without showing your ID (read:NYS DL).

The point is: NYS DL are accepted as photo ID when a person needs to be verified.
Granting NYS DLs to illegals is an implication, a grave one IMO.


Oh they would
but I am making the point that it is bad that they would do so.(be able to take these actions with a DL)

Of course not.
That is why it is not a valid form of ID as proof of citizenship.
and Is a shitty form of ID.

I think you might be mis-understanding what I mean when I say Proof of citizenship.
I understand what you can do with a DL. but what it really proves is jack shit.

yes, they are shitty forms of ID, but that is not the debate here. :slight_smile:

Shitty or not, they are accepted as such, and it is common & accepted practice. Which is why NYS should not endorse them for ILLEGAL aliens, wether they be Mexican, Canadian, Martian, w/e.

I agree.
It should be MORE difficult to get them, not easier.
But if NYS does start giving them to illegals, They could at least do everyone a favor and write ILLEGAL ALLIEN on them in nice red font.


weren’t you just saying how redundant that was??


No I was saying it was redundant to write NOT VALID PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP on them.


You are missing my original point.
A license does not prove you are a citizen.
You can be an LPR and have one.
Be here as an exchange student and have one.
Legally may I add.

Do I think it is a terrible idea to give them out to illegals, Yes.
For all of the reasons you listed. It just makes it easier for people to live here unlawfully.

You dance almost as well as Hillary. :lol:

Giving a valid NY ID to illegal aliens. Yes or no. That should be more than enough information for a reasonable person to base a decision on. And people say I follow a party too blindly. At least I’ll admit there are things in my party I disagree with (religion, stem cells, abortion). You just can’t seem to bring yourself to admit a democrat is pushing a bad idea, no matter how bad it is. Don’t worry, other democrats in this very state government are publicly bashing Spitzer too. :slight_smile:

I’ll grant the Martian citizenship and a license. He probably has enough to offer us in terms of advanced technology that it would be a fair trade. Besides, if he can fly all the way here from Mars he’s probably a better driver than at least 50% of NY’ers.

And Rick, I started this as a 2nd post because the original topic was NY being in the national spotlight for something negative, again. If you’re so gung ho about keeping threads merged maybe you should take about 90% of off topic and stick it in one giant “shitty threads in here” thread. :wink: