Israeli troops enter Lebanon! boo ya JIM!!!

We should just take over the world. AMERICA FUCK YEAH!

Israeli gunships hit fuel tank at Beirut airport. KABOOM!!!

Israel proves once again that they are no better than “the bad guy.”

Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if Iran was trying to take attention away from their nuclear program.

Ok, Israel may be getting carried away, but from what I gather they are attacking militaristic places, ie airports.

The Hezbollah or whatever are just launching rockets at civilian cities.

Israeli military sources say they believe the longer-range missiles fired yesterday at Haifa, Israel, were made in Iran.

werd ^

I hope they just wipe everyone out :smiley: only way there will ever be peace in the middle east, unfortunitly

Witnesses say a flood of people are crossing into Gaza from Egypt after Palestinians blew a hole in a border wall at the Gaza-Egypt border, The Associated Press reports.

this is like play by play :lol:

Iran is gonna get bent over.

llol cnn is all over this.

Israeli warplanes destroyed the headquarters of Hezbollah guerrillas in south Beirut today, the group’s TV station reported. Israel has been pounding Lebanon all day from air, sea and land.

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah says his group is ready for “open war” with Israel, news agencies report.

:roll: ya know it kills me that this f’n guy makes statement like this to the media. Hezbollah isnt SHIT. Isreal is already crushing them in the first 72 hours. they are gonna be the next al-queada- a bunch of cowards that run around and suicide bomb innocent people. fags. i hope they all die. and the french too.

and the french too.

that made me giggle

+1 :lolham:

Heyy!!! I have french heritage !!! lol leave them alone…

but +1 to WW3 happening