Isreal attacks Syrias "nuclear Cache"

I’m surprised no one posted this.

Between that and this I’d say that region is well on its way to becoming a sheet of glass.


i saw that. :clap: :tup: for Isreal.

hmmmm… maybe it was a bad time to reenlist huh ??

ww3 :gotme:

is on the way…

Reminds me of an Einstein quote: “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

:ohnoes: I bet he’s right. If there’s ever another balls out world war, we’re going to knock ourselves back into the stone age.

the problem is, people arent fighting armies or a specific nation, theyre fighting an idea, a religion that spans all over the world. these people have been killing themselves for thousands of years over their God, and theres really no way to stop it. if it does blow up to WW3, there may not be much of a world left after.

Fools like me,who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep,for their beliefs
Do you kill on gods command?

HA-HA. turn the news off and the world will be a better place.

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:9,topic:35681"”]




I can understand this attack but it is only prolonging the inevitable. When someone is determined to wipe you off the map they will do it. All it takes is time.

i personally think its funny to always see that therye releasing an internet video, almost as if al qaeda has stock in youtube

:tup: to Israel and military planners who have actually studied in war. That whole part about them withdrawing troups and telling Syria that the tension was over is straight out of Sun Tzu’s Art of War (a great read BTW).

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.

  • Sun Tzu, the Art of War

If the US was planning the attack we would have had CNN on the ground at Syria’s “secret” facility asking the guards how they were preparing for the covert attack that was going to happen the next day.


i personally think its funny to always see that therye releasing an internet video, almost as if al qaeda has stock in youtube


??? this has nothing to do with al-qaeda?


??? this has nothing to do with al-qaeda?



Between that and this I’d say that region is well on its way to becoming a sheet of glass.






this particular event has nothing to do, however I see where you are coming from.


this particular event has nothing to do


correct… i just clicked that link and thought bout that… also thought it may have been a bad time to reenlist hahaha


If the US was planning the attack we would have had CNN on the ground at Syria’s “secret” facility asking the guards how they were preparing for the covert attack that was going to happen the next day.


ugh, so sad, yet so true.

btw :tup: on art of war quote. always a recommended read


btw :tup: on art of war quote. always a recommended read


Yeah, I started reading some of it online and realized the logic it presented could be used by much more than military planners. I ordered this yesterday:


Yeah, I started reading some of it online and realized the logic it presented could be used by much more than military planners. I ordered this yesterday:


the problem is we have all these rules for combat its sickening. i just had to do my yearly LOAC (law of armed combat) certs and basically the only way we can “legally” engage in combat is if theyre waving at us holding a gun and say taliban on their forehead… and yet we uphold these rules of combat and access situations, while the “enemy” hides in churches hospitals, shooting at us and WERE the bad guys ?

sorry for the rant, i know this doesnt coincide completely with whats going on, but i have friends over there and hear bout shit all the time…