its official: HRK gets to fondle nuclear submarines

not quite, but i figured its a fun title

i was just hired by a company that does large scale stripping / painting jobs, such as bridges, warehouses, hangers ect

i will be paid $20/hour to drive a forklift, filling up the hopper on the sandblaster for a crew thats repainting a building that covers a submarine dry dock

the job is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, and i get all the hours i want while im down there. this aint no 40/week bullshit

and the best fucking part … OMG THE BEST FUCKING PART


dont drive the forklift into the water


your making kevin716’s down pipe first (this is kevin716, not nick)

whats more likely is me overlaoding the forklift so i can drift it around the base

and i might slap an NYspeed sticker on some warheads

kevin, ill be back every 2 weeks, so dont worry

the base is called “Kings Bay Navel Sub Support Base” for anyone that wants to look it up, the building ill be working on is the one thats to the left of, and level with the “crab island” label that mapquest puts on the island next to it

This will be you in that 2 weeks. Don’t drink the pine cone liquor.

pine cone liquor ?

sounds good …

Ha nick thats awesome t-up to having a job a decent paying one too…

congrats. too bad its not all the time any time. how you gettin back and forth and where you stayin down there?

it probably could be a 4 week / month job if i asked … donno if i want to do that thou

prolly gonna fly

they have hotel rooms already


Not bad at all… Temporary stint I assume; AKA: Contract work?

I think I’m outta here in B’lo this year for sure… Time to head south…

nice :tup: it’s a really nice area down there… I assume you’ll be near St. Marrys, Ga.?

yep, just about 5 miles from St Mary’s

Temporary stint I assume

this job goes till april or may, after that i have the option of being hired for the next job, a 5 year stint in NYC

i want this

dude, i know you can’t put southern comfort and sketchy bitches on your resume. how the hell’d you swing that?

I friend of mine worked for a similar company, made good money but worked tons of hours. He was a blaster so he made a lot more than $20 an hour. Good luck.

haha, i know what blasters make …

guess what im supposed to train on an hour or two per week ? lol

After reading my post it may have seemed kinda harsh, I wasn’t putting down $20 an hour, that’s pretty good money. I used to blast for a small company in strykersville. What an experience that was. Nothing like holding a hose that’s 3 1/2" dia and having enough power to knock you back a few steps when you pull the trigger. Not to mention wearing a full suit and having air pumped to a mask. It was definitely tiring moving around equipment, crawling threw tight spaces and dealing with the hose. We had two blasters at this place. One hopper held around 300lbs of sand the other hopper held around 500lbs of sand. Depending what nozzle we were using at the time we could go threw 500lbs of sand in about 45mins, we could also warp 1/4" steel from the heat. Good times.

ps, 20 min from the florida, you are gonna need to start loving “y’all” “howdy” and people named Billy Bob with no Teeth, and yes I met some one in Bladwin FL named Billy Bob and had no teath