Got a new Jobie Job woot

Start 7am tomarrow. Plumber’s assistant at Darien Lake. Nothing amazing but I’ll be learning a good trade that I can take anywhere. :slight_smile:

For the love of god please don’t hurt your self while working…

Nice. GL

lol not a problem. I can’t afford to get hurt. My band has alot of shows coming up and I am not going to be careless and screw that up.

I’ll be reading meters, testing water yada yada. Only kind of sweage work I’ll have to do is “pump out” which is where you pump ou the campers…but you dont get anything on you so its not a problem. Then when its not buisy you just cruize on the golf cart and look at tail all day. Can’t go wrong man lol. I just can’t wait till those Russian dancer’s for the circus thing come in :wink:


Hey Peter, the breast exam’s on channel nine!

plumbers assistant = turd chaser
They might have sold you the rosey story but trust me, you’re going to get shit on you. Perhaps daily. Its good work you can make a career out of. Just go get your Hepatitis shots before you start. And lots of Axe body spray. They must issue that stuff with the union card.

<—ran operations for a crew of a half dozen turd herders



plumbers assistant…lol that cant be good.

Any type of assistant ends up doing the work while the head honcho just kicks back.I wonder if you’ll be doing any water attraction filtration? unclogging all the band aids from the wave pool/splash park filters?

He called the shit, Poop!


Once I was at Darien Lake and saw the guy with the shit truck drive off in the camper yard with a 6" valve open dumping shit everywhere for a good 200 feet. I bet the last half of his day was awesome. It was super funny until the wind changed directions.

lol at not getting dirty.

i see your wonderfull judgement has led you to a career in working with shit and then posting about it to share your excitement, this will all go smashingly well!

i dont know how u can think any job in plumbing would not involve shit. hows the pay poopboy

smells like a new custom title for jeg if you ask me.

This thread turned so quickly.

Oh damn, I love threads that take sharp U-Turns. :lol:

lol, what a surprise


a good buddy of mine is in the buisness (family owned) and he makes a pretty healthy buck