Got my promotion!!

Woohoo its finally official. Not a huge raise but enough to make a differance. Took the guy before me almost 3 years to get this promotion…I did it in 8 months.

Fishing stoned finally paid off eh? :stuck_out_tongue:


lol…naw that was after work…Although I did go fishing for an hr yesterday durring work lmfao. God I love being in maintenance when nothing is goin on. We busted our asses to get all the big projects done so that when the park opens for it’s regular season all we have to do is take maintenance calls and take it kinda easy… unless something big breaks then it sucks lol. Naw seriously though…I busted my ass to get this promotion. I picked up on things quickly and proved myself. I am always the first guy to volunteer for something, and ask questions when I don’t know whats going on so I know whats up if the situation should occur again.

You work at DL?

I almost tried to get a job there, then I got hired at advance.

Yeah I’m a commercial plumbing apprentice.

ohhh that’s a bit different than what I was thinking lol

lol what were you thinking? We do everything from new builds to fixing & replacing sinks/toilets/gas lines/water lines…you name it.

I thought you worked on the rollercoasters and shit lol

naw thats rides maintenance. Everyone has thier own spacific department. Plumbers, Electricians, Vehical Maintenance, Rides Maintenance, Landscapers, Carpinters, Painters etc…

Seems like it’d be fun to work there.
Maybe next summer!

It actually is pretty fun most of the time. Depending on what department you’re in. When we (the plumbers) are buisy its insane…but when its nice and quiet like today my boss just tells me to go find something to do…aka, do w/e you want just dont get caught lol. Its nice…I took a nap in an air conditioned room for 2 hrs lmfao. Its pretty much hit or miss. Some days you’re incredably buisy and dont have time to take a shit, some days you pretty much lounge around all day. Most of the time we keep pretty buisy though. I’d say we get like maybe 1 day a week where its totally dead.

I have no problem with busting my ass, also no problem getting paid to chill. Is it easy to get jobs in other depts? ride/vehicle maintenance sounds interesting, as does landscaping and painting, lol.

I think they are still hiring in landscaping. The superviser Tim is a great guy. Really easy going.

What are the hours like though? I have 2 other jobs as well and I’d REALLY like to keep them both. Plus I live in West Seneca so the drive may be a whore, unless I pick up a cheap DD.

landscaping hrs are 7-330. My hrs are all over the place. friday I worked 130-10, then yesterday was 7-330, and tomarrow is 1130-8, then 7-330 mon-wed then my weekend woohoo. I cant remember the last time I had a friday off lol. I usually work the late shift fridays.

Hmm those hours kick ass!


sorry to interrupt this thread with two people, but that’s Awesome, josh.

Seriously… Use the PM function, you homos.


And yeah, you two need PM’s, email, or a phone. :slight_smile:
