Got my promotion!!


so are you the head shit now?

thanks guys. Naw I’m not the head turd herder, but I get a raise and im not the super bitch anymore anymore…Now the new guy is lol. They said if I keep up my pace that I’ve been goin at (when I actually have stuff to do that is lmfao) I should make plumber by late summer / earlyfall…which entails an additional $2.50 an hr. raise to start. The pay isn’t that amazing but it is really good field experience. I was already offered another job but I decided to stay becuase its so much closer and it’s easy as hell. But the extra $ a week I’d spend in gas would just barly if at all cover how much I would make at the other place.


HAHAHAHAHA I was thinking the same thing. :lol:

Congrats BTW my fellow Fbody.

Must be plumber code…


you must have been too buisy and missed carpinter.

and incredably

but whos paying attention anyways, lol

on topic: good shit :tup:

I dont think I know how to spell busy anymore… oh wait… still got it. :lol:

Congrats on the promotion though thats great :tup:

it’s a good thing you’re not double checking ride safety. Everyone loves busting your grammer balls.

Congrats dude. It’s nice to see hard work pay off for someone. So are you intending to become a licensed master plumber? No joke, I hear you can make a decent living that way. :tup: