Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.

A public official or other plaintiff who has voluntarily assumed a position in the public eye must prove that defamatory statements were made with knowledge that they were false or with reckless disregard of whether they were false.

The false/factual part you guys are clinging to is only HALF the definition

Just becasue it was factual (at the time), doesnt mean they are free and clear to spew it out of context when every they feel fit. If that was the case, they could print an ad every day in every news paper till the end of time with the old incident and not have any repercussions, and his reputation is shot for life. I find the later hard to believe thats allowed.