Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

My scales are 110% accurate.

So they’re off by 10%. Not bad.

that’s the news for you… the shot gun bullshit has nothing to do with this.

Personally, when this all sails over, i would be suing every news outlet that brought up the other incident that has nothing to do with this, for defamation of character.

If people looking to do business want to research the guy, they can do so on their own. “promoting” his old news on the news, is a clear outreach to the public to try and steer them away from his store. And before people yell RLMS and the tiffs we have here as the same thing… we are not a news organization in the public eye… you have to WANT to come here and find the information we share… the news organizations are the complete opposite, they spew it the moment you turn the tv on or open the paper.

LOL Good luck suing a news agency. As long as its factual, nothing will happen. Jordan is a standup reporter.

i dont know dave real well, but we’ve talked on multiple occasions and i even sold him some gold. I know him well enough to bet that hes a legit guy, and i think this will all blow over…

…is accused of three violations of state law: failing to notify the county that he was buying and selling commodities, using scales that are not approved by the state and refusing inspection.

Below is my personal view.

Being very objective here. If you are required to notify the county for buying and selling, then why weren’t they notified? and why would the inspection denied if using state approved scale?

This clearly was instigated from the inspection; either they decided to inspect the store because they found out the store did not notify the county or a random inspection and when they were denied, they decided to dig deeper.

Would like to hear his side of the story…(just realized he already posted)

One thing I know for sure is cops most likely lurk this forum…:rofl

my first question was going to be, why didn’t you just let him check your weights, but if what you say is true then there would be no need for you to allow it.

However i’m guessing that they are taking the statement on the website indicating that you do buy by weight as grounds for you needing to have an inspected scale


you know this guy, you fucked with him prior to this event and he’s out to get you for some reason.

i’m hoping for option B, its more entertaining lol. what did you do to this guy Dave?

LOL it’s public information when you get arrested. Good luck winning that one. That’s the same thing when political figures find dirt on someone they’re running against them.

lol good catch

not really, they were just stating facts like the other guy said. they can talk about whatever they want in a news story so long as its true. they said accused of which is as good as ‘alledgedly’ lol.

Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.

A public official or other plaintiff who has voluntarily assumed a position in the public eye must prove that defamatory statements were made with knowledge that they were false or with reckless disregard of whether they were false.

The false/factual part you guys are clinging to is only HALF the definition

Just becasue it was factual (at the time), doesnt mean they are free and clear to spew it out of context when every they feel fit. If that was the case, they could print an ad every day in every news paper till the end of time with the old incident and not have any repercussions, and his reputation is shot for life. I find the later hard to believe thats allowed.

Stick to working on cars

ok, explain to us how them mentioning his other legal woes constitutes a false communication or otherwise explain who the artilce meets the definition


its the media chill the fuck out its all twisted the fuck up, you’re retarded and everyone else who believes that shit 100% is retarded also.

nah doesn’t look like he made any excuses and i don’t know what his car has to do with this story in the media

according to your dumbass, apparently his car is now free because he is going to court. COOL

exactly, if you get offered a certain amount of money for what you’re selling and you agree to that price, how did you get cheated?

I sell ALOT OF SHIT to random people all the time, If I sell a laptop to someone for $200 bucks and then I decide after I take the money that they cheated me because they sold it for $220, what the fuck ?? how does that make any sense? I WAS cool with taking that offer so that’s my fault.

Same with buying / selling gold. No one is getting cheated because if you don’t like the price you don’t have to take it mother fucker.

and its not your store , and you’re going by some news story, what the hell are you all bent for ? are you extra gullible or something?

if you say so, but that doesn’t seem to be supported by the deffinition you gave us lol

post a screen shot… becasue I dont see that ANYWHERE

Also, if dave bought the already established business, and the name/location/etc didnt change… and this shit didnt go down with the OTHER owner… I would assume that there is a possibility that “cash for gold” as a business was already registered with the county for selling commodities. :dunno

it’s really not a smart idea to talk about this in the public, everything you say on here the investigators will use against you. i’m sure you know the miranda rights, it doesn’t say anything about helping you out. the cops are not here to help you in this situation and if they can construe anything you say as working for them they will, even if you think that nothing you said can be held against you. it’s how innocent people get convicted all the time, they think that since they have done nothing wrong they can talk to the cops, but then one of the things they say leads to a wrong conviction.

also, everything on that web site you are responsible for, if you created it or the previous owner did, you are the owner of the store, that is your store’s web site. saying i didn’t create the site so it shouldn’t be held against me will do nothing for you in court except make you look stupid.

Anyone ever tell you assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups?

and this is hilarious that daves story is the top story with a murder and a car accident with two deaths behind it, being less important.

people are so fucking retarded

Very well said. + rep

um yea, i’m taking it you don’t know how the news/reports work when it comes to the law. if what you think this means was actually what it meant, fox news would no longer be a television station for making up the news. news can pretty much say anything they want, and if it’s found to be wrong they at most will have to report that they had the info wrong. problem being that it will be months down the road and hidden.

Just going buy Dave’s post

but to your point, if the buisness was registered as buying gold by weight and Dave’s taking over ownership didn’t offically change any such status then i would think he would need to have scales that were offically tested, based on what i’ve read because i certainly had zero knowledge of any of this shit 15 min ago lol.