thank you, i am taking the lsats in 2 months and hoping to go to law school, so although i wont claim to know everything law is one thing that interests me a ton, like when people sit at home reading the newest twilight or hunger games or whatever fiction book people read, i read books about law and politics, mainly about how we, as citizens, get screwed over, when they are suppose to protect us.
induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.
By bringing up OLD NEWS that has nothing to do with the case at hand, is a clear and present attempt at INDUCING DISPARAGING FEELINGS AGAINST A PERSON. If it was not, why would you even have brought it up, since this was about weights and measures, not gun control!
Example. PFAUX was trying to sell apples at a county fair. 5 years ago, he tried to run a used car lot, that failed and went under. If I put a banner up next to your apple stand that said “hope he can sell apples better than he could cars 5 years ago”… it would probably piss you off and make people think twice about buying apples from ya!!! SAME SHIT
also think it would be best for someone in any legal trouble to avoid talking about it… especially in writting, but hell its friday and i’m bored and this is good conversation lol.
not saying he assumed anything… I am saying there could be a chance they are already filed, and they people against him might not have all the correct information. People make mistakes on both sides of the fence.
I’m not taking sides but Good Luck with the fines, court or whatever happens next. Its gotta suck being in your shoes right now. PS. I would also recommend delete posts here immediately…
I have a friend going thru similar yet far different issues. He is looking at jail time tho…
Rubino… Lighten up.
st4tus is off the hook… LOL
I understand where your going with this, but this is how i read the definition:
Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that
- harms a person’s reputation;
2)decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held;
- or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.
so to me, if whatever it is you are saying about me, while it may be damaging, doesn’t meet the definition of ‘defamation of character’ if its true… or perhaps even if its false and you didn’t know it going by the word ‘intentional’
maybe he himself didnt know it said that, becasue it doesnt actually say it!!!
really, its written NOWHERE ON THE WEBSITE about buy by weight!
same boat… nothing going here, so I have to kill time arguing with you guys! LOL
and fuck the pole-ece!
Fuck weights and measures! lol those fuckin relentless badasses at weights and measures lol
maybe he took it down in the mean time:dunno
or i could just be reading his post wrong
Can we get back to the Slamantha Spermbank tread… it was more entertaining
I just saw this on YNN. Innocent until proven guilty. Best of luck to you!
I re-read it a few more times, and I guess you are right. :hug
SO, my last cling to the rope here.
IRC the shotgun thing didnt stick and I thought he got it reduced to something else. If thats the case, on paper their claim would be false, since it happened, but the legal decision said it didnt.
I dunno, i just build cars.
I read through this entire thread just getting frustrated with you for your lack of reading comprehension, glad that got sorted out. :rofl
- rep!
This is what happens when there is nothing to do at work and all I want to do is go home or to the shop.
i heard those fuckers from weights and measures tazed him!