Got a new Jobie Job woot


This thread turned so quickly.


Denton was definitely the apex of this thread :lol:

ill be sure to crap everywhere when i go to darien for the korn conert in august

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:21,topic:30412"”]

Denton was definitely the apex of this thread :lol:




Its good work you can make a career out of. Just go get your Hepatitis shots before you start.


this part was awesome.

but this truly was the turn.

really, i would have been disappointed had a jeg thread gone any other way.

oh shit. Jeg started this morning! he should have about 6 hours done by now. i wonder how much tail he has seen driving the golf cart. couple more hours and we’ll have an entertaining update i’m sure.

You’ve got to be shitting me

A normal Plumber’s Assistant sounds like a decent job but you lost me at Darien Lake. All I can think of is “Hack job” when I hear plumber, Darien Lake, and pumping out campers. Good luck though, I hope it works out to your benefit.


ill be sure to crap everywhere when i go to darien for the korn conert in august


go ahead, I got the day off and free tickets ;).

I’m just excited about a new job in something that I’ve never done before and has potential to teach me at least the basics for a good trade. Today was my first day. I had to go around reading meters and testing clorine levels in water, then pump out 9 campers (which really wasn’t bad, smelled alittle but it’s not messy at all). Then we had to repair some water pumps and that was pretty much it. I’m the new guy so they wont give me anything too complicated for a while. But eh…its a job on the books so now the IRS can’t bitch at me lol.


A normal Plumber’s Assistant sounds like a decent job but you lost me at Darien Lake. All I can think of is “Hack job” when I hear plumber, Darien Lake, and pumping out campers. Good luck though, I hope it works out to your benefit.


The guy who is head of the department is a licensed plumber. They do everything regular service plumbers do…but at an amusement park instead of a house.