Late night Crew.

+129461455346 lol

I am up all night every night… that my daughter is not here, and even some she is! :lol

I played Counter-Strike till 530am, then slept till 2pm. I just got back from food shopping. Shopping at 2am FTW!

fixed! lol

Where do you work?

I am on disability, probably for the rest of my life.

So you dont have to ask, I had an MRI and the dye they gave me reacted and screwed my legs, joints and skin up.

O damn… sorry to hear that man.

Yea it sucks, but hopefully the settlement will ease the pain a bit! Im thinking an AWD Lambo for the winter… not sure yet on a summer car. :lol

haha… thats the spirit!

I think its funny, people say I have such a good sense of humor still. Idk, I was never any of that emo BS, I roll with it, that was kinda funny actually, I spend alot of time in a wheelchair… But yeah, I think its my daughter honestly that makes me happy like I am.

Thats the only way to live

I am not on that list, but I work over night so you’ll catch me on here at all hours of the night/morning.

I roll around in ninja mode so unless you’re a mod you wouldn’t know it. I delete posts from work on my iPhone. Over nights suck

Bump, I’ll probably be up writing this paper till around 3 A.M.


Wont be on much longer tonight. Have to get the kid to school in the morning.

I’m always on late. I have a problem where I can not fall asleep any earlier than 2AM…Could eventually lead to problems :rofl

Got 2 more essays to write for Criminology tonight on Differential Association Theory, Social Bonding Theory, and Labeling Theory… so Ill be up awhile… FML

I feel like your the only hudson valley student that has hw

I was like that for AWHILE, and it sucked! Id try to fall asleep around midnight but would just toss and turn till 2 or so thinking about stupid shit. Ive weened myslef back a little, but Im still usually up till 12:30-1:30

I feel the same way brotha. Taking some of the hardest classes available there right now lol. My Terrorism class is on par with a 4yr school, pretty redic…

That’s EXACTLY what I do. No matter what I toss and turn and before I know it, it’s like 1:45-2AM and it’s like what the fuckkkkkkk!:banghead