Log onto BMW forum, see this:

Those “workers” are just as greedy as the next group and deserve everything they got.

I was only aware of the government issues they were having due to a little research of my own recently. But what you said does make a lot of sense SRS. My apologies.

In b4 Tom shows us how to make a shawl from a deer pelt.

None of this makes sense…we as a civilized country have to take care of those that can’t.
The auto unions don’t care about you or there workers. Just there coffers which are sustained by there “do good” union policies. Thats why GM is going under…
If you think that they don’t deserve shit then why don’t you try and do better for yourself and the economy here you speak so highly of. Those same people that are suffering in Haiti are suffering here as well. Literacy? I bet those staggering numbers you see also translate to the U.S.'s schools. How many u.s. citizens are literate? How many have learning disabilities due to a shitty home life? Or an abusive white trash father who abuses his children? Or the super rich in this country who don’t do shit to raise their kids properly to be open and compassionate about other peoples hardships. Those poor fucking haitians are just that…they are POOR…why don’t they overthrow their govt? because they cant, no guns, no money, no backing…why do u think the cubans are where they are at? Because we fucked up and didn’t get castro when we could have…just like Bin Laden. The haitians do export…it’s called the cheap ass american eagle shit your wearing right now. They have no natural resources…other than tourism. So what should they do? get blood from turnips? Not going to happen…
How’s that Benny?

this thread is awesome. and yes ron is the one that makes the most sense.

I have some muskrat pelts, can I make my own moccasins to replace my shitty Cabela’s brand mocs?

Makes sense? It’s official…you are all those whiny ass white bread pices of shit who breast fed waaaaay tooo long and daddy coddled you to where you are today. Fuck you all and your white bread mentality…
Cant wait till Karma finds you fucks


fuck you all
and your mom’s choice of having you instead of aborting you

Are you suggesting that breast feeding and good parenting are negative things? :rofl

Tom I’m really confused as to what you’re suggesting…you’re saying that the situation in Haiti somehow compares to Native American in American History?

If that were true, wouldn’t they want to make a home for their families and teach their young the ways of their ancestors? That being their main goal?

the only thing I see in Haiti, before and after this earthquake, is basically a hell filled with theft, murder, rape, etc…is that our fault?

If it wasnt for the white man you’d still be living in a tepee bish

I’m suggesting that, yes…it’s a proven fact that if you breast feed too long you become dependent on your mother a little too much. If your dad takes care of you in hard times then what are you learning? Nothing…thats why are parents are better people than we are. Do you think they would be here on an open forum bashing the Haitians for being destitute? I DONT THINK SO… They got out into the world at a younger age than we did and did something with it. They actually did something with there lives…like have us and raise us to be better people than themselves. Unless your parents are just fuct and did nothing to educate you about ignorance. Then they contributed nothing to society… except breeding more ignorant fucks.

Sounds like Africa…or Panama…or Jamaica…or N.Y.C…These people are no different from us except they are born into a shitty enviroment. Whether it’s in bed stuy brooklyn or on the ivory coast in africa. That shit happens everywhere…and how do you know what they teach to their kids?

IMO parents are to instill basic values in you and sustain you until you can take care of yourself. That is not what people in Haiti do, apparently.

I really don’t know all that much about Haiti, so I should probably keep my mouth shut. But from what I have seen/do know, I know it’s a place ridden with crime, corruption, etc. Native American, and African tribes celebrate their culture…about the only thing Haiti has left of it’s culture is the skin tone and palm trees.

The white man? So you aren't part african? Hate to tell you but.... if your from this country and white...you have black ancestors BRO....your ancestors found it ok to rape and pillage...so whats so different from the Haitians doing it?

For what it’s worth, I do not have any black ancestry :rofl

Im blacker then Wesley Snipes. Fux the white man

See above for complete hipocrisy
Your country is based on what you say the Haitians participate in. In fact it’s founded on enslaving an indigenous people, killing there elders and hoping to wipe them from the earth. The Africans and American Indian know this all too well. THAT is WHY they celebrate their heritage…to not lose it because of an imperial and warring society that tried to wipe them out.

Yeah, but we didn’t do anything to Haiti to make them want to murder each other over bags of rice.