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OMG HISTORY FTW…did anyone here go to school other than to get a degree? Did anyone learn from the history they were taught? NO a BIG ASS FUCKING NO!
As far as I’m concerned the haitians have something that alot of people on this site don’t…respect for themselves and for other people and their culture. Haititans don’t hate people because of where they are from or because of what they have. But here in America you perpetuate it with your ignorance…

I see Haiti as an example of Natural Selection. Not everybody is going to make it, the strong survive. And if karma is going to bite us back than so be it. America can’t save everybody and never will, so we should prioritize our resources and do what we think is right, not what people want us to do.

Benny…they don’t know any better…they have never known anything but war and poverty. Society is fuct when all you do is fight…

You clerly aren’t getting what i’m saying…Your attitude is whats fuct…karma is for you…not the u.s. as a whole. Some of us are compassionate for those who are less fortunate. I didn’t see a 10 page thread bashing the govt for bailing out GM or the wallstreet banks…but yet there is one bashing the Haitians because our govt decided to help them out. This is the bullshit i’m talking about…as well as every other industrialized country BTW.

Who’s helping us out?

When I say America I mean the people, not the government.

What? I hope you are kidding…you dont need help…your part of the problem.
You need some govt bailout money? Why is that? No education? If you ask me the Haitians are prouder than any of us. They live day to day with death around them all the time. You have it easy…now go to downtown albany and hit on all those girls who dont want anything to do with you and blame those bitches for why you can’t get laid. Ever stop to think the problem with this world might be people like yourself?

You are showing your ignorance…you think that America is for the people? America is a GOVT… people are the resource it uses to make big govt work.

And why would you want a handout? Fugging beggars

Are you saying that because I’m black? Just because I’m black you don’t think I have an education?

I was speaking of who helps the US? How often do you see other countries rushing to help and send aid when shit hits the fan?

Why would they? were one of the largest economies in the world. They don’t need to bail us out…the govt will just take more of your money to pay for it. How long you lived here?
Some of you guys have learned just enough about this country and it’s history…enough to get your faces slapped as they say…

If haitians had respect for themselves and their culture then why wouldn’t they strive to better said culture?

This is what I’m saying. Evolution… Survival of the fittest. The strong, motivated and sharp witted survive. The sick, lazy and dumb can die and make more room for those who will prosper no matter what setting.

AS for the comment about me and the economy i have been a very active supporter of it. I have one main job when I could spend the money i wanted to I went out and got a part time job to make the money i wanted to spend. I have tried running a small clothing business and am currently freelancing myself out for graphics work and not charging tons of money. Helping my fellow friends out in anyway i can. Working working working 6 days a week to make money that I am recycling right back into the market via eating out, food, clothing, car parts, graphics supplies, movies and other activities.

With what? Seashells?

Well what the hell else would they need? Hundreds of millions of dollars perhaps? How much of that money is going to rebuild some stupid palace that will only end up housing corrupt officials that will take and take and take, not bothering to help it’s citizens aside from the bare necessities? Haiti sucked, sucks, and will suck. The earthquake and it’s outcome is an unimaginable tragedy, but honestly they need a ‘hard reset’ IMO.

then again, I don’t know shit.

All because of this great country we live in…this country is also a great pundant of giving to those who need it…if we didn’t you would still be working in factories making collars for t-shirts. So you can thank us for being there when needed…because others do…whether you believe that or not.

Again…there govt needs a reset…not the poor fucking people who live there…if just a few dollars makes it to the people…then so be it. At least it’s better than nothing at all…these people would probably take you in if you were there…funny we can’t do the same.

Here’s the reason for the thread title from bimmerforums.

Rough translation:

That’s something to be grateful for at least: Tapis-Rouge has the nicest view of all the new shantytowns of Port-au-Prince. A breathtaking view of the bay of Port-au-Prince, which forms in front of your eyes a turquoise arc.

In the bay, in the distance, 12 boats, at least. Above the bay, a helicopter. A striking sight. The bay, boats, the helicopter.

The spectacle of the international assistance, the world rescue of Haiti.

On the slope that I descend while trying not to fall down, odors of roasted chicken, shit, and waste that people burn. Some hens and a million children at least, some playing with kites made of trash bags.

In the sky, 100 meters above the kites, shining at the end of branches attached together, the blue and red flag of Haiti.

It floats above the shack of Dielva Duval, general secretary of the CAPSE, which acts as citizens’ committee. Mr. Duval, with Jean-Jacques Faubert, president of the CAPSE, directs the committee, which “helps people in all of their needs”.

And the flag? “That indicates where is our organization, says Mr. Duval, police officer of his state. People see the flag, they know that they will find information here.”

Mr. Faubert: “Haiti, our dear country, was struck. This flag shows our identity. It must always float.”

It is necessary to know something about this country. Its inhabitants love it beyond belief. Yet Haiti is the state which least deserves the love of its inhabitants. Two hundred years later, the Haitians are still galvanized by their history, by their statute of “first black republic”, obsessed by their independence, torn off from the French in 1804.

In this shantytown, here, in Tapis-Rouge, the State is Misters Faubert and Duval.

Of course, in reality, in Haiti, the State is nothing.

I have enough of Haiti’s banter. Everyone bullshits, in this country. The State, politicians, Haitians, journalists - both locals and outside ones-, the international community, humanitary workers.

That starts with your driver, who, even if he does not know how to get to the city of Cayes, will lie and tell you that he does knows how to get there. He will even tell you that it takes two hours. On the way, he will ask directions to everyone and you will arrive four hours later.

That continues with this State that stinks fake greatness, tacked by officials who get a hard-on from their titles, their uniforms and their great speeches.

While we were on our way to Tapis-Rouge, Rene Préval, president of the Republic - Haiti got rid of France but adopted its pompousness-, was interviewed by the Radio-Caribbean. Twenty-five minutes of «whatever».

Twenty-five minutes of nothing, slogans, pious vows. Of bullshit.

And, unfortunately, 25 minutes of servility from the interviewer who never challenged the leader of Haiti, especially not when Mr. Préval explained its dismaying silence for several days after January 12. One of the first questions of the organizer: how did the tragedy challenge your faith?


I have had enough of the charades. Everyone fakes. Even me, I fake it. I pretend that the Haitian shithole is only external to its people. By exposing the weaknesses of the State, I clear the Haitian people.

However, I’m sorry, but the Haitians, collectively, are of a terrible, depressing and noxious passivity. To sound cute, like everyone, I describe this passivity as fatalism.

The international community pretends that the Haitian State exists. A State does not exist when it is UNO that ensures its safety with weapons. When it is a foreign country that controls plane landings after an earthquake which did NOT destroy the control tower of its airport. When it is the friends of Jesus who care for and teaches his citizens.

And then there are the non-government organisations. Full of good will, of course. Full saints, I say it with a sincere admiration. from Doctors without borders to the Red Cross: they are saints who come here.

But all this support from NGOs and the foreign countries, in the end, helps the Haitians… to death. Confronted by the shock of this humanitarian disaster, I heard 10 times more Haitians criticize not their lame State, but the UNO, the United States, France

To help to death. An example. And I know that people will hate my guts and say «it is an isolated case.» But I don’t care. It is representative and emblematic.

I stop at the grocery store, this week. Yes, the groceries reopened their doors, enough with granola bars. I open the door of the vehicle, my driver puts his hand on my arm:

“You bring back a bottle of water for me?”

O.K., O.K., yes.

I put a foot one the ground, he orders (it was not a nice request) something else : “And a beer.”

The problem is that - due to media competition -, our drivers are very, very, very well paid. Not according to Haitian standards. According to OUR standards: 200$US per day.

A beer, eh? Do you want me to drive while you drink it, too?

I sound brutal, but that’s part of the problem, of the hypocrisy. For fear of being labelled insensitive or racist, nobody is never brutal with Haiti.

The Haitians, in any event, would not take it. They are brutal between them, that’s just fine; dictators and putschists, they tolerate that. And when a duly elected president cuts off their balls, it’s the United States Marines Corps that kicks his ass out. Not Haitians.

But if criticism comes from abroad, then it’s an outcry, a never ending flow of emails, never ending talk on the radio, the culprit is likened to a colonialist.

I have had enough the charades. I’ve had my heart broken enough by enough hungry children, this week. I believe that I described the urgency of the situation with enough compassion to have the right, here, just once, to say that the Haitians take an active part in their misfortune. By passivity, precisely.

And us? To continue to help Haiti exactly like we did before January 12, is to create another generation of misery, orphans and bullshit.

Enough, please. Enough.

I understand what your saying. It’s too bad America has a big government, and the liberal democrats don’t help that either. Our country has worked out well since it was founded. Unfortunately though, recent generations are taking it for granted and allowing the government to grow. If nothing is done to reverse that growth than we are fucked.

Haiti had their chance, now they are fucked. Hell, Cali might fall into the ocean next! Natural disasters do suck, but what can you do? You can’t prevent them, you can’t bring the dead back to life.

I think it is bull shit that other countries expect us to help them out, help other countries out, and expect us to join their world police/UN shit. They are just trying to bring us down.