lol my finger VS. the router

So I was working on my 240 build door pods and the Router jumped

Three hours in the hospital and the Doctor putting 6 stitches in it all better.

ouch, doesnt look to nice


its ok fingers grow back … but seriously did u finish the door pods?

I had a grinder slip once while cutting off part of an exhaust , cut my arm open, i taped that shit up with a paper towel, fiished the exhaust , and then got 17 stitches… Pansy… LOL good job though , battle scars in the name of modding is where it at

Wire wheel to the gut…that was awesome.

Scars…i got’s LOTS!

Next time, get someone more experienced to point you in the right direction.

Ouch man! That’s shitty

^LOL at Fobwall.

But ouch, that looks pretty shitty. I cut my thumb open installing my tweeters in the door panel, pushed the tweeter right through its housing, and the edge took a little chunk off the surface of my thumb. No scar, so yay.

shit is killer, if dont know how to handle it properly, never use one that doesnt have a handle!
could slip on u easly.

you got 9 more!

this is what happens when your in a hurry to cut 12 rings lol


Haha, I’m such a nerd, I saw the finger and the first thing I thought was “how do you injure yourself with a router?” Then it occurred to me that you’re not talking about the kind that regulates your local network :smiley:


Don’t feel bad Ant, I thought the same thing when I first clicked the thread, realized what the real story was when I saw the finger :stuck_out_tongue: Title was deceiving :stuck_out_tongue:

I once gave my self a punch to the face while tring to remove the stock shifter knob, I turned and turned and twisted and twisted but it wasn’t coming off, I then pulled on it…nothing! I pulled harder…nothing! I put all my strengh into it and pulled it off and when it finaly let go, I ended up hiting my self in the face! Bleeding lip and cut my mouth on the inside!

i call bullshit , u were jerking the gerkin thinking about me next thing u know u thought yur dick was long enough to stroke with 5 fingers and before u realized u used too much lube and whammo


Come on Hector I thought you said we would keep these things between us…
See you tonight :wink: …and bring the lube!

Hey guys it’s Hectors Birthday tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!

this chick at my school lost her finger to the first knuckle on the router. but ya that sucks