Bored, and a night of a detailing enthusiast--stuck at home.

So I was sick, in midst of home renovations, and ITCHING to run my buffer on anything… and I mean ANYTHING!

My garage has been taken over by furniture, and a million boxes. I couldn’t go out because of a nagging strapped throat, and had a TON of time on my hands…

I underwent battle with anything that I could find. First started off with sealing my shower wall, move onwards to wetsanding/compounding/polishing my washer machine, and for my final assault, I fought with my computer tower!



  • Polishing pad and Menzerna FPII via rotary @1000rpms
  • Sealed with Poorboys EX-P
  • Waxed with Poorboys Natty-Blue

15 minutes passed, in a long night. :frowning:

hahahahaha that’s serious

wow…you really must have been bored

good job though!!

Nice job, what’s running in your tower?

I’m running a future shop AMD shitpron… but several months ago, my first build, an OC’ed AMD xp2400+ exploded on me i had that thing for 7 years at lans it sat on the table running against AMD x2’s, and Athlon 64’s.

T-T i miss it already.

lol gabe …the washing machine…ahahahaha

AMD xp2400+
7 Years… Are you sure? 7 years ago I was working in a Computer repair shop putting PIII 667MHz in boards as the most popular Intel processor. AMD didn’t have… 1.6GHz??? at the time

Hey BTW Gabe. What’s your official consideration on buying a Nissan? 350Z tickle your fancy?

gabe is and always will be a skyline fanboi. maybe sometime soon even a skyline owner. :wink:

maybe i counted wrong, it was right after xp was released. I remember standing in line at bestbuy waiting to pick up my fx5200 for it on boxing day.

:{ Drowning with a smirk on :A :#

You have to be rich to throw Money at Bestbuy. Did you work there or something?

Skyline fanboi? BTCHPLEEZ… I’m a big-sedan, euro-chap fa lyfe yo!

Here’s how I look at it.

Buy a luxurious euro = style, with money spent on maintenance and gas

Buy a fast car = there’s no such thing as fast. There’s always faster, and that ‘faster’ part = money. This in addition to speeding tickets, things not working the way they’re supposed to, and no warantee to fix minor stuff.

Regardless, car ain’t happening until I’m at LEAST 25… university, and insurance is a b(#%*!

Oh, my computer is a super computer, in 2002.
Had this thing for the past oh, 5-6 years I think.

  • AMD 1.7ghz
  • Radeon x1600
  • Pretty much sums it all up… haha
    I don’t play computer games anymore, so no need to upgrade… In the market for a 12" notebook now.

When I get my garage back in a few weeks, I’m probably going to wetsand the tower, to get rid of all that damn orangepeel. If I **** up, then I’m repainting it white or silver… something that will hide those swirls, and scratches for good… I can’t stand looking at it in my kitchen, with so much lighting on top of it… :frowning:

Popcorn, are you nuts? back then fx5200’s retailed at a solid 300 dollars (mustve been at least 5 years ago. bestbuy was letting them off at 150, limit to 1 per customer or i wouldve totally jumped on that shit.

Not Euro but INFINITI Q45… Or maybe even M45.
First gen Q45 looks so pimp when it’s lowered with chrome rims

Yeah Future Shop/Best Buy always have the best Boxing Day sales. Then it’s back to ripping people off the rest of the year.

i dont go there for any other times…

well i did buy my h10 for reg price there… with the full intention of hacking it… man, no questions asked warantee is THE SHIT… i’m on my 5th one… and it magically warped from 5gig into a 20 gig…

thats it biatch skills battle is on!!!
just wait till you see what I got fer you…

you goona cry like a little girl…

lol just fer fun tho…i’ll show some weird ass body stylin shiaaaat!

I propose the “what the **** for” paint/body skills competition.
mod and or bling the dumbest shit you have kicking arround the house…
custom paint / mod / detail your hairbrush etc.
bondo dildo’s not accepted…
lol who’s up fer it?

^^^ oh man I got to see this.

what about if it’s papier mache?

lol we should do one together

if anything is gonna get cleaned u can clean my car for free thanks… lol
