What are your recent purchases?

Here’s how this type of thread works.

List a few recent purchases on your card/debit/cash, and try to find pictures on the net or your camera, and share!



Been trying to limit my expenses, so not much in the past few weeks; apart from gas, birthday dinners, nothing special.

But for a sample post, my purchases last month:

New workstation (Keyboard, mouse, 5.1 speakers)


50% off retail: G15 Keyboard


Second hand, but bargain Logitech 5.1 speakers/sub


Logitech MX Revolution mouse: ~$40


i would post, but i am paranoid about people jacking my shit.


do you live in the garage or something?

haha well the last purchase i made was this juicy couture phone charm…i wont say how much it costed…cuz a couple ppl already know

i’m so balling, i purchased a year subscription to SCC.

cough 60 cough

Nah, my computer and most of my mess is in the basement… living in a garage won’t be that bad though–if it had a lift in it, I wouldn’t mind!

:K :H

No words needed… Follow the rules, and don’t post comments unless you’ve posted your purchases!!! (Yes, this is just a coverup for my stalking, so I know who’s crap to jack next! :D)

i just bought a 1/2 chicken dinner at swiss chalet :stuck_out_tongue:


oh, and i’m having a cinnabon for dessert …


you DID say “most recent …” :stuck_out_tongue:

What he did is totally acceptable… I just couldn’t think of anything for myself…

THIS IS A THREAD TO LAUGH AT, not a thread for someone to make a shopping list! Eballing is accepted though.

about 30 large to extra large coffees in a matter of 3 days… the joy of having 5 exams in 3 days time hahaha, finally done today!!!



I bought 7 of these;) … im a true BALLER>.

i don’t think anyone can out-ballin church…one of his most recent purchase is pretty huge hahaha.

yeah ****ing church with mrev2, spacer, exhaust, wheel spacer, etc

He spent more than me than I did on the entire life of my ownership of the car in a matter of one month!

i wasn’t talking about those…:stuck_out_tongue:

Heheheh found you again… yea and i just had like 5 double doubles today, got a stakc of tests tomorrow and assignments…



Jus picked up a 02 dodge ram…and a commander for the GTR…

Before I entered this thread, I saw that Nav had posted… and thought: “That asshole of a baller… !”

Seriously though, we gotta have a few cook-outs/bbq’s at your place and Ang’s every other week… !!!

Lets see, these were my most recent purchases…

-Motordyne 5/16th Plenum Spacer.
-Motordyne MREV 2
-JWT Pop Charger
-Ichiba Hub Centric Spacers 20F/25R
-Nismo Exhaust (being picked up today and installed tomorrow)
-Perrin Billet Aluminum Shorty Antennae
-Oh and last but not the least, a new house!"D

I am content.:smiley: :R :drivin