so i thought i already posted this jazz. but i looked and couldnt find it.
so here is all the good times and the bad with my nissan experience
first off my 81 monte carlo has never seen snow. so i bought a 95 vw golf, the biggist pos ever…it blew up on me 2 weeks after i bought it. i then sold it and was looking for another winter beater. i found a 240sx with no clue on the potential and what not.
i bought it and this is how hte pictures go.
the old bitch.
i then put on the “cool bumper” but then relized pignose is the way to go
Then, one cold dark nite…i was driving and i was a idiot, my own fault…i looked down and when i looked up there was a esclade in front of me
sooooo this.
then a good friend told me about this website. or w/e
and i found this.
came with heads up display dash, thingy…cluster…and window. so it was mine
so it was you!!! hahaha. i was wondering who i passed by on the 401. i kept asking people whos car was that. car looked sick. even better with the yellow lights on. i could find you right away from the crowd of cars. how much did it cost you to do the conversion and how long did it take?
the conversion took maybe 3 hours
the total cost on the silvia front end wasa…dirt cheap… lol too cheap to even say.
or else i wouldnt have bought it.
thanks man tho. your car looked sick also, when i was on the hwy i spoted your tail lights, then i bet my friend you had a gtst. but i was wrong lol
why you drivin it in the snow! lol
lol no, im not that big of a fan for meshies. and you will never see my car rollin with 4 matching rims. its all about jdm old school…two diffrent rims.
i just love the look of 17x8.5 rears and 15x7 fronts, gives it…a angry look
and assissin has a gtr no?
and i didnt ask him to drive a gtst in the snow. i just wanna know why i skyline should be seeing snow …at least in canada.
A GTR is all wheel drive with ATTESSA. So is the GTS-4
They SHOULD be in the snow rather than just summer cars. They have balls in the winter and are more fun to drive in the winter time (Unless your in Alexs “break down” GTR)
What shouldnt be is me driving my 300 in snow… but I still do it.
Nice car. Where in the GTA do you live? I went to Tims house on Saturday and the area looks the same. Then I saw the S12 and it makes me think, where are all these S12s coming from all of a sudden, unless it’s the same S12.
Did you put the SR from the accident S13 into your newer flatblack S13 or did you get a new motor?
the only problem that the accident did to the sr was broke my Cam angle sensor, i bought a new one and put that motor in this car.
and its probably the same s12, and i live in brampton.
i duno about you all but i would WAYYYYYY rather have rwd for winter/summer/allyear for that matter then awd. even tho i do like skylines. id just prefer rwd. if i was gunna go something jdm. it would be a sil80 or datsun 510.
thats my preferences.
as for the jdm ghetto comment…my car turns heads everywhere and everyone loves it. in fact the other day i got a girl into a accident cause she was looking at me / boost gets you laid sticker . rite after i blew her a kiss she rear ended the car infront of her.
mismatching rims are the shit…i do belive somewhere i think hks’s s15 has mismatched color rims.
I seen you before, from far I think at Shoppers World Tims, I used go see my cousin there, anyways, I think my cousin has seen you many times, he told me about a 240 he saw that was all primed black, and had boost, he said he was behind you making a left turn to go north on main street one night, and he was behind you and you slowed down to check his car out while he was doing the same with you. Around 12am few months ago.
I don’t know much about you car or 240’s, but from the sound of it he (my cousin) said your 240 sounded like it was running low boost around 9psi or so, is that correct?
He also said your car looked so sick from the rear; its stance is aggressive and intimidating. lol:drivin
Anyways that’s some dedication to your car, that’s respect dude, nice work, and yea mesh doesn’t look that good, the rims on your rear look much nicer.:R
thanks for the positive comments ismo.
yea the car rite now is running stock boost…im just waiting for a few more paychecks then a fmic and electronic boost controller is going in.
i built the car for drift, but this summer i was dead broke from a accident so im gunna attempt to hit more events next year…i still dont have powersteering tho.
what color 240 is your cousins? i see so many now lurking around brampton lol…
and what do you drive?
also if you or anyone ever spot me at tims feel free to say hi, the only reason why i go there is to kill time
It was my second cousin who lived there who saw you often, he’s like my dads cousins brothers
He used to drive a Blue 1994 sentra, he now parked that in his garage, and bought a 2003 maxima 6spd.
He plans to do a SR20VETT in his sentra, and bolt-ons on the maxima. He’s also buying a street bike this summer.
I currently don’t have a car, but my last car was a spec v, i’m more of a bike rider, i have a 2004 suzuki 600, but i’ll be getting a maxima for now, and maybe a 350 next summer.
But definately dude if we ever role by there we’ll say hi, i don’t go there much, cuz he left B-town.hehehe