i have a story to tell

:wtf: um…u might wanna delete that asshat

edit…miss spelled wtf

Good story.

i always took the1slofaggot for being a skin head wanna be. i’d like to see you get done in like the dude at the end of the movie.

xlogic, u did the right thing, i don’t think it was too far outta the realm to think someone was gonna unload a clip into your car. i’d stay away from kelly st and formosa way… those seem to be where most of the shit goes down…sorta like flowers ave in hazelwood, knox ave in mt oliver, etc etc…

why? its just a movie clip, i mean no harm. and im not talking shit on him

uh huh, u said u were goin to pistol wipe him, and then post a clip of the most racist movies ever?

sorry wrong…
i said:

i think xlogic wants to be pistol whipped sometime in the near future

i never said I was going to pistol whip him, and i never stated who wants to pistol whip him.

lost even more respect of neon owners 1. this post 2. that stuid mpeg slowshelby posted reaL COOL’, IDIOT

thank u for deleting that shit!

talk shit on my again and i’ll be coming down to “your hood” to talk to you

ya if you can avoid flocks of pop can throwing teenagers


xlogic, you can go fuck yourself.
dont making posts and refer things to me you little fucking bitch

A few months back i was dropping a friend off on frankstown and road past kelly
to see two bikes in the middle of the street and what appeared to be a puddle of blood along with about…25-30 bullet casings…coroner had already made it there and everything

xlogic on the left? :bigthumb:

Minus the whole, you know, fact that he’s black.

yup my point exactly. did a lil research back in college about gangs in the city… kelly street came up a lot in post-gazette articles.


whitey thats signature material there

lol :weak: