i have a story to tell



May I call :bsflag: on some of the story please?

i use to work that area… not all that bad. most of the people were cool with AAA drivers and i was never really scared workin there late night.

don’t hate…congratulate me on not getting boned by task force…i had a sign of relief when i saw flashing lights and knew it wasn’t gang bangaz but then i went “shit…i just ran from the cops”

I have a similar story. It was in 1994. I was a senior in High School and two friend of mine and I were leaving my parents home in Carrick. We were in my Mom’s Monte Carlo SS Aero coupe with Ttops. Anyway, I made a right turn on red onto brownsville road. My buddy in the backseat says, “You just cut that car off!” “he’s following pretty close!”. It was a 90’s blue celebrity. I said, “I didn’t see him?”. He says, “They’re two big black guys. You should turn off.” So, I made the next left. They made the next LEFT. So I made a right. THEY made a RIGHT. So I made two more rights and am now heading back the way we came. AND they’re still behind me but, two cars back. Now we’re shitting bricks. What should we do?? Three white boy in an SS in Mt. Oliver being chase by BIG Black Guys!! I said F it, they’ll have to catch us and made a left thru a McDonalds parking lot, And I saw them three cars back cut out into oncoming traffic and chase after. I was flying down an alley, thru stop signs, a quick right and left. I saw them go straight so I back up the street and headed the other way up over a hill. As soon as we crested… there were COPS everywhere. Road block!!! City cops, Mounties, Pattywagons. Guns drawn. They announce over the loud speaker. Shut off the car and throw the car key out the window. Everbody put your hand up. They pulled me out of the car, on to the ground. They searched the car, Asked me where I got the car. I said almost in tears,“it’s my moms!” I pulled out registation and stuff. I was all shaken up. I remember the cop saying, “why did you run!” and I said,“three white kids being followed by big black guys, would’nt you run?” They said,“Go directly home. I don’t want to see this car again.” I think there thought we stole the car. who wouldn’t with my paranoid friend constant looking back at them. Atleast, they let us go but they did follow me home. As soon as, we walked into the door my mom says, "why’d the unmarked cops follow you home. I’m like,“you knew that was a cop car.” I can laugh about it now but boy did I think I was going to Jail that day.


they had a roadblock set already??? they must have been planning something already and you got caught in it…glad u didn’t get arrested though!!

Great story X-logic…I lived in the hood for five years; 2 in East Liberty and 3 in “Highland Park” (though where I was in Highland Park was more like East Liberty and wasn’t too too far from Larimer).

Amazing how the task force guys seem to literally come out of no where sometimes. I have a story about that too, but no one would believe me because it’s pretty nuts so I won’t post it.

i’d stay away from kelly st and formosa way…

Yeah, I used to drive post Formosa Way all the time. I knew it’s reputation and would always tense up, especially at night.

i once went around a pat bus on brownsville right about where colteryan is…made the left at BP to drop my boy off… three narcs come outta no where and block me off. i mean granted it was a white kid and a black kid in carrick in a g-body cutlass was there a need for that many cops? why do cops think people are always running when they roll up on you in the shadiest neighborhoods with Loc’ed out windows. that shit is suspect as hell.

I can see a neon outrunning anyhting…these cars are built for performance…with thousands of $ a pro driver can grab 15.99 in the 1/4…and that is just for straight line…now in the bends that is where they shine, they are known to run with Z06’s with $50K in the suspension…not bad if you ask me

:eek4: :eek4: i think i just fainted…total bs lol neons run like…17’s stock…with “thousands” you could get more than 15.99


I knew you would get a laugh out of that…I guess xlogic doesnt get sarcasm

no i got it…but it was TOO over the top