yes it happened again today. this time it was a older flat black one. like a 78 or so i would say. all flat black with painted silver vents on the fenders… you know real mullet like. story goes as follows:
i was coming home on a busy road (cant post locations right haha) and it was pretty clogged with traffic as usual. i was driving normally in the right lane and i see this shitbucket in the left lane going slow. i figured it was just busted and didnt work cause my mom had one like that and even when it was in good shape it still was always broken. anyways i pass him not even giving it a 2nd look. then i hear this noise like bolts falling on the ground and hes next to me. i look over at this grimey ass dude giving me the most joe dirt look ever. i acutally just started laughing at him and i think he got mad. he just kept staring and driving next to me until the light. there was a car infront of me and none in his lane so he stops next to me and is like " you wanna run that thing?!" i kept smiling and told him i would kill him but whatever he wants to do. i get infront of him and he pulls so close to my bumper i could almost smell his mullet grease in my car. i think he wanted to go from a roll but i wanted this kill to be from a dig ( no excuses right quik:burnout: )
so i take off hoping he keeps up so we can get to the next light ahead of all the traffic behind us. i notice instantly hes having trouble just keeping up to go to the light. he gets next to me and is like what was that?! i told his redneck ass i wanna beat your shitbucket from a dig. when it turns green go ill even give you a car. light turns green and he launches(well what i assume was a launch) i slip the clutch let him get a car and then i got on it. top of 1st shifting at 5500 (cause something is wrong with my car my redline is currently 5500 not 7200) mind you all the races i won have been at this shift point. anyways im next to him shifting into 2nd. 2nd gear shifting into 3rd im like 4 cars or so and i see another light so i slow down never getting into 4th. he gives me this shiteating grin and turns off the road. i knew it wasnt where he was planning on going cause he turned into the 1st parking lot and waited for me to go. i guess he didnt wanna get beat again. i just think that shits funny that he was so sure his mulletmobile was gonna beat my civic. oh how they all learn:hsdance:
i really dont know what was done to this car. im assuming header and exhuast maybe a few other mods but nothing major. this thing was slow as balls maybe a mid 14sec car but he acted like it was such a race car i had to show him up. that and acting like a tough guy while weilding the sick greased out shitcut made this race even better.