SSmokinn Vs Jim P

lets do this!

tomorrow night.

Oh snap!

Can I get in on this? Lulz

I dont care…im sure we could get a few cammed Z06’s to come out…

Yes please!

Word! I wanna see Jon’s in action!

Someone call me for this, I’m down to roll.

Who has the blue C6 Z06 down at the lot? Has a Redline sticker on it.

no your not.

Edited for being incorrect.


thats not a Z06…its a C6 with a cammed LS2.

thats keith.

What’s done to it?

Oh bla, I read blue C6.

jon’s is a black C6…the only Z06’s are tonys and the procharged red one (jay)

last I knew it was around 700rwhp…im talking about Jon’s black C6

Blue C6 is 440rwhp…I/H/E Cam tune only and 550rwhp on a 125 shot.

I thought he had the blue one, my bad. I love that car, color looks dope.

The C6 Z06 I raced from the lot was blue. I SUCK w/ names, but I think his passenger or him was named Todd.

yah…keith’s C6 is nasty.

Jon’s car is fuckin DIRRRTY. Exactly what I would have if I ever were to own a vette!