March 24th Meet...Somewhere...

This weekend is looking somewhat nice…thus far. Anyone interested in a sat afternoon get-together and maybe a cruise locally down sheridan to starbucks for coffee? Any interest?

go to the BE meet?!

Whats the BE meet?

blown euroz. It’s on sunday, we are leaving saturday at noon. check the meets forum.

The blown euros meet is not local, like 6 hours away. Would be fun but too far of a drive.

Eh…I figured so…maybe next time.

psh, don’t be a pussy, it will be a fun time!

also, you can always cruise with us at noonish as we make our way there…

I have plans for sat evening though…or else I would.

well, it would be a lonely trip back. but i think the best route for us would be the 219 to the 322. That’s a nice drive, you could follow us for an hour or so down to ellicotville…

I will know more friday…my friend is getting out his Camaro Satty…so we shall see how things pan out…

Im down to roll around top less :tup:

I should be IN.

^^ and ^ Yeah…I was thinking of a chill day…maybe go for a cruise and food somewhere…supposed to be nice so what the hell…

might make an appearance in the snky hatch…

I’m game, free all day Saturday (well minus the morning when I will sleep lazily).

someone come pick me up and i’ll be down :slight_smile:

make it sunday and id be down. work > me on saturday

get that POS on the road dude!!!

its on the road, its running, sort of tuned, but his new rims didnt come in yet lol

but ill be down for this, im free all day… LMK where everyone is meeting :slight_smile:

:word: if anything, i’ll just come up with paul. my gay cheese only has a base tune and bald street tires so it wouldn’t be any fun. my new tires came in but still waiting on the rims :bloated: