New cars VS old

e30 M3s are slow, overpriced and driven by jamaicans from the city I would still love to own one

I’ll give Benny 5 minutes to post something about e30’s being terrible

I was waiting on you :rofl

E30’s (plastic bumper) and E21’s are gorgeous when they are still in decent condition and are modernized with a fair set of wheels and slight drop. Not fair to compare a rough E30 against a newer E36.

However back on topic. I’d be hard pressed to find more than 10 performance vehicle I’d be able to afford I would want within my lifetime from 2000+ years.

However going back to to the years leading up to 2000… :excited

Ugh E30s suck. Make great field cars tho. Just mow a few lawns and get another one. I wont stop until they are all dead.

I’ll take an AMS Alpha 12 GTR, thanks.

car today are makeing muscle cars of tge 60s and 70s look small and im not talking a-bodys. america likes big thing were all getting fat and want oir leg toom so cars need to explode to suit our fat asses.
and ppl cant drive stick not because its to hard but because it would disrupt the cell phone coffee cig shuffle while driving god forbid we shift also americas becoming lazier and us as enthusiaste suffer my 3kgt is super wide i hate i love nimble cars

Not really old v. new, or relevant at all now that I think about it… but w/e.

I didnt know the Titanic was black.

NSX’s looks are truly timeless, but it’ll always be the Sexy Virgin…looks good, but can’t perform.

this is win but i do perfer the power delivery of the s62… so if we pop that in there we would be all set

Datsun 240z, 510. im done.

I’ve noticed this as well… I don’t like where the style of cars is going. On the upside, the bigger cars means better engines, at least that’s how it has seemed for four cylinder hondas.


But yeah. Good for them. Make me better engines in the big ass cars, retards wreck them, and we buy whats left of the heap and swap the DT into a lighter car it should have come in originally. WIN WIN.

Some things change for the good. Think about the power and efficiency of the new Diesel engines.

But I am going to have to agree with liking the older cars more. I dont know if it is because the new ones have not grown on me yet but give me the e30 M3… mmmmmm

I remember thinking I would never like the bubble shape of the MKV GTI when it came out. Now I actually like it and sort of want one.

I have nothing to add other than I LOVE E30’s.

Carry on.

this is just on topic with new vs old(big vs small)

LOL the GTR is a mammoth!

a hidious mammoth lol i by no means will say either of my cars are gorgeous, (except my jimbo, its mint) but gtr are so ugly esp for the price tag…O so are new camios

I’ll take an ams alpha 12 gtr myself and a 2013 gt500.


I would have to say that chevy did it right with the corvette. I couldnt find a good comparison but the c5 and c6 vette is lower, a little wider (in a good way) and a more sleek design then the older vettes that were tall and odd looking

These dont go together perfect, but still roadsters
^ man the new one is no where as near cool as the classic