New jack...+ homophobe slowMarro LOVES talking about the pickle.

Hey everyone… my names dan, I’m new to the area and I love cars and bikes. I have a celica gts that I plan on doing some body mods too… then maybe some engine stuff. Gotta see what I can manage for funds, but anyway I hope I get to learn some stuff from you guys. Thanks!

welcome dan! im jeff. i drive a red tt cobra

Jeff has a TT cobra that sits in his garage, No driving. Welcome.

Thanks guys! What do you mean by a “TT” cobra?

TT “Turd Toucher”


Turd Toucher ?? haha That vette is sick man!

Tiny Thingy.

Turbo Tits!

Welcome Dan.

LMAO! i own a cobra with Turbo Tax installed on the touch screen

I LOLed for real! I’m still kinda laughing/coughing

Twin turbo??? I used the google on the internet machine…

yeah lmao. we are a bunch of clowns over here

haha its cool… that things gotta be pushin out some ponies. You weren’t feeling the supercharger?

hahaha Turbo tax!

U talking about my vette streets? Thanks, but that thing is a pile of shit! ahhahaa beater car!

ballin outta controllll

fuck that t/t cobra . shit is slow as balls

stock blower is small and makes a whole lotta heat. it was Compound Boosted with the turbs and blower for a while, but if you want big power with the least amount of boost, turbos cant be beat for that.

Slowmarro… you must have something insane if your calling a twin turbo cobra slow. Jeff… what kind of big power we talking?

Welcome :clap

What bike you got? :excited

my camaro is slow as well . jeffs is just slower than mine