NYIRP for MOMS Invitational 10/21

May be the last time out for the season. This is the 2nd to last event scheduled at NYIRP. Weather seems to be ok, high 60s and sunny. It sounds like a lot of buffalo guys are broken and torn apart, but figured I could try anyways! Anyone have any plans to go, gates open at 11

I hope to have another 10bolt in for this…we shall see…

Maybe Pat will loan me his Dana60 its not doing him any good right now :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I know where there are a bunch of 10-bolts handy. I’m not sure what price YOU could get them for though, :lol: Put Pat’s dana60 in, I’d love to see you run some 12.25’s on Sunday, :lol:

12.11 :gotme:

And if his Dana60 goes in the car will lose 100lbs from various other places :hitit:

I’m in! I hope my 10 bolt doesnt go to that big 1/4 mile track in the sky.

jason, me and you should line em up, LT1 vs. LT1

or he could just grab my 10 bolt.

yep, with 3.42’s

its not so bad there.

Hi joelster, Ill be up there Sunday for sure, but I also have to warn you guys, if everone else’s f-body keeps getting faster than mine im goin to esta next summer (where lt1s are still considered cool).

I saw you a few sundays ago when they were running 1/8th mile…you make any passes??

Some LT1s are still cool…

Two passes - not worth mentioning, still was fun going to watch.

I’ll be there.
maybe Ill put my slicks on on pwm teh sherminator :rx3:

is there no more fridays?


Do it up

itll be a miracle if you drive home though haha. but whatever i still say go for it. u got another car and a dana on order, so fuck it.

I’ll be there!! Anyone else import welcomed.

6am http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/31.gif?12122006
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46°F 9am http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/32.gif?12122006
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69°F 9pm http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/31.gif?12122006
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ill be there shootin for an 8.999

Why does it seem every post of yours, your a cocky, i know everything asshole.

Id love to go tomorrow to watch but i got my family bday party or some shit