NYSPEED members' original jokes

you shall make up your own, original joke or VERY SHORT story, and everyone will rate how well u did and how good the originality is.

sometimes if its super horrible it can sway into a bigger score:

ie: if its 10,000 BC and u need to check the HP on ur car, get some DYNOSAURS

That’s not funny.:picard::present:

Here’s my entry:

My father got a vasectomy after my sister was born ( if you knew my sister you would know why ). So a few years ago, my wife and I were having dinner out with my parents and 2 hot 20’s looking girls walk by. My dad leans over and tells my mom, “Someday I will trade you in for 2 20 year olds of my own”. My mother, as calm as could be, responded “Honey, you aren’t wired for 220 anymore”.

if its 2008 and you make a thread like this…





teqxero9 (12:47:55 PM): if its 100000 BC and u need to check the HP on ur car, get some DYNOSAURS
“Aarons.jpg” (12:48:12 PM): LOLLLLLLLl



Did you hear about that guy over there that just got a papercut?

Apparently he used scissors.


6/10 lol

Hey, why was Micah arrested for larceny?

I don’t know, alll he ever did was take peoples’ pictures.

did you hear about the 2 melons that wanted to get married… the one melon said…sorry but we cant elope


teqxero9 (1:21:55 PM): so skunk gets kicked out of day crew
teqxero9 (1:21:58 PM): O WAIT THATS NOT A JOKE
“Aarons.jpg” (1:22:15 PM): posted
“Aarons.jpg” (1:22:21 PM): ew
“Aarons.jpg” (1:22:22 PM): JERK
teqxero9 (1:22:24 PM): LOL

9/10 cuz im involved and i actually lol’D

That is not an original joke.

thats not very original aaron.

Agreed. Melons and the persuit of melons is serious business.

Fuck these joke threads, bring back the “Show some hooters” threads.

oh both of you can go to hell :slight_smile:

On that theme…

If you use the lemon law to replace a faulty car, what do you use to replace faulty breast implants?

the melon law.

here’s ORIGINAL…