Offical call off thread

Made it to work relatively on time. Roads were suprisingly empty and very passable down here.

roads are terrible here. news says roads here in westmoreland county are the worse.

Got some bacon, eggs, and pancakes cooking now, drinking rum and cokes lol. I am already buzzed.

I was one of the few people who drove to work today…roads were pretty bad…could be worse but you just had to maintain your distance and not be an idiot and you were fine.

I have one question for truck/suv drivers tho. Do these vehicles not have to follow the laws of physics? I understand they can go faster in the snow but what about when you have to stop? I can’t tell you how many cheesedicks blew past be driving liek total idiots. I don’t these people think their vehicles can stop better when on packed snow/ice…but the only theory I can come up is while they are blowing past people their brain does not get as much blood as it needs to function properly b/c all their blood is going to their manboners since they feel like badasses.

Eh…fuck it…


I always try to create/maintain the largest vehicular gap(s) possible. If that means driving a little faster when I have sight radius to get the f*%! away from the rest of the morons on the road, then so be it. I don’t want their mistakes to cause my shit to get messed up. Sometimes this requires a gentle “suggestion”. You know, the kind where you ride their ass a little to get them to stop the rolling roadblock.

im on partial unemployment so im getting paid to stay home:hsdance:

un-employed FTW…lol

A little snow and most of pittsburgh shuts down?? you ALL are pussies!!

I got up to go to work JUST so i could drive in this :smiley: Anyone need a ride? ha

school cancelled…again!

dont lie i seen you working the corner yesterday with ch 2 news. lol on your way home stop and drop off my money bitch…

:doh: busted

:hahano: but guess what, u aint getting shit bitch i was the one out there in the cold :finger:

damn i miss pittsburgh and snow. i wish i could have had today off. doing a medical mission in a 3rd world tropical country right now sucks.

7:45am “Jack can you come get my car out of the ice?” GF’s car stuck…got it out rocking it.

RMU classes cancelled today - SWEET Time to go work on the car!

working from home

i get my normally 75% but since you were in the cold ill only take 65 %… your 15 minutes of fame have up’ed to 25 minutes.

you are all faggots and pussies.

i delivered yesterday. i’ll deliver today.

im at work. you vag’s

Z rated tires and all.


I hate it when people think a little bit of snow means everything needs to be shut down and canceled. If that were the case Alaska would always be shut down. Fuckin pussies. I spent 30 minutes chipping ice off my car but that is what I have to do when the weather is like this. Which is one of the main reasons I hate this weather. I just don’t give up and call off. My girlfriend took that attitude today and it pissed me off. I told her no Valentine’s Day for her if she didn’t go to work. She even had her car already cleaned off, so WTF?! So now she is complaining that she only has liability and can’t afford full coverage… NO SHIT! STOP CALLING OFF WORK THEN! /rant /snow