Good find. And don’t worry, the US media won’t be able to hide the real progress being made all the way to the November election.

And I can’t wait for groups similar to swift boat veterans start running their ads with Obama dancing in the crowd to the racist hate being spewed from his preacher. I expect to see those start running around, oh, October. Just in time to do the most damage while limiting the time for Obama’s camp to spin them. McCain won’t run them, but someone will.

It sucks when your candidate can’t win on the isues so you rely on swiftboating. Last time I checked Obama’s preacher was not on the ballot. All Obama has to do to show he is not a racist is show a picture of his white mother who raised him after his father left.

And don’t think for a second that Obama is like Kerry and will just sit there and take it, every jab that was thrown at him was immediatly responded to during the primary.

If McCain can’t win the fight over the issues than he doesn’t deserve to be president.

This shit pisses me off, this entire notion that liberals dont want to see the war in Iraq succeed bullshit. As an American I want us to succeed, I thought we could succeed because Bush and his cronies said we would be seen as liberators, now most of the Iraq people want us out because they believe we are party responsible for the continued violence in the region.

We were lied to about this war from the start.

Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11.

It has distracted us from our real mission in Afganistan.

No matter what we do that country will most likely end up in a civil war, so why bother.

The longer we stay the more people will die in vain. Every life that we have lost in Iraq has been a waste. Just like Vietnam.

Normally I’m much more PC so not to offend those who serve but the longer this goes on the more on come to the realization that being PC does not outweigh human life.

eh, I agree… both party’s are just as guilty too. (Obama trying to tie Bush and McCain together for example)

Never going to happen though

Atleast there is some truth to that. There view of war seems to be the same.

So who does everyone want to see their man pick as VP? My vote goes to Jim Webb…

McCain was in line with bush voting wise 95% of the time in 2007…

I like Jim Webb, but if you remember his senatorial campaign you’ll remember all those “sexist” memos he sent out as secretary of the navy…not the best way to get the hillary supporters in line.

because he doesn’t want to just cut and run? We should at least clean up the mess we made

That would be fine if Iraqi people were on board but why should we help them if they are not going to help themselves.

If Iraqi people could just get over themselves they would have it all. How many of us would have an issue with this war and its cost if we were working with the Iraqi people to make a true democratic gov’t? Iraq has the worlds only super power willing to dump billions of dollars into it and they can’t even talk to oneanother in a room.

No wonder Saddam was Stalinistic it was the only way to control these people.

Again, I’m throwing my typical PC mentality out the window.

My thought on this war is this: Get out now, and let them destroy eachother. After and only after that can they begin to rebuild.

Maybe there should be 2 countries or 3 in that region, those boarders were only made because England want a protectorate after WWI anyway.

True, but I think the majority of the women are going to suck it up and fall in line anyway as opposed to voting for a pro-life republican, and a lot of hillary supporters are rural males who would sweat Webb’s views on guns and the military, and think Obama is too liberal. His response to Bush’s state of the union was really well-delivered, as well as his writings, and he would complement Obama in being much better communicators than the McCain ticket. He also has a service record that can’t be Swift Boated, to help trump the McCain military experience card and the “Democrats are weak on terrorism” argument, and any association with Reagan makes moderate Republicans cream their pants. Virginia hopefully swings blue either way, but with Webb on the ticket I think it’s almost a sure thing.

On Iraq, StrokedZ28 makes good points. A lot of these places, the people can only be controlled with an iron fist. Saddam had that shit locked up. Serbia/Bosnia/Yugoslavia was the same way. The communists didn’t tolerate any shit for decades, and there weren’t any problems. When they broke up into independent democratic states, they all started killing each other. We should have let them have Saddam until they could organize on their own and quit their bickering.


No Fuck You! I used to try to be nice with people who had a difference of opinion on this issue, but why? We’ve lost thousands in this wasted, lied about war, tens of thousands have been maimed, families separated due to multiple deployments. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s who have been killed and the trillions of dollars lost.

We should never have gone there and therefor all who have died, their lives have been wasted.

This war can not be won, it is not the fault of our military, our troops have done all they could. But we can’t force both sides of this CIVIL WAR to play nice.

Clever, thought provoking, well researched.

LOL @ McCain…

I lost a few very good friends in Iraq that beleived in what they were doing, and they were telling me how it was changing over there, and I have an uncle that never made it back from Vietnam.

Their Deaths were not in Vain, Oh my god I have never wanted to kill someone so much.

If you feel so strongly about it why didn’t you enlist and go fight the insurgents.

Umm yeah, they were.

I’m sorry for your loss, individual troops may have success stories here and there but if the overall war is lost then it was a waste. I understand the need to make thier deaths mean somthing, no one wants to think thier lives were wasted, they served thier country but they should never have been there in the first place, your uncle included.

I don’t understand how you can sit there and watch your friends go off to war to not come back given the pretences as to why they are there. We were lied to. We were told that Iraq was behind 9/11 and that Saddam had or was trying to make WMD’s and were a threat to us. Niether were true.

If you really thought this through, looked at what is actually happening, you should be more upset than me. I have not lost anyone in this war and I’m still pissed that its happening.

How can you sit there after loosing friends over there and not want to scream at Bush and Cheny and Rumsfeld and Rice?! With all the evidence that has shown that this war was a mistake how can you still defend them? Its people like you that give such blind support to Bush that allow him to keep sending young men and women over to that hell hole.

Let me ask you a simple question, what would you call deaths in a war started on false pretenses? You state that your friends did not die in vein, but they’re fighting for a people who do not want them.

I too have friends over in Iraq and all of them have said “the Iraqis don’t give a shit about us”. So let me ask you another question, how do you win a war if the people you are fighting for don’t want you there?

I can’t, too many concussions from hockey. I tried.

I supported the ideal of getting rid of a ruthless dictator and freeing those people of the abuses of Saddam, and I think that once we realized there were not WMD’s and the iraqis had some sort of gov’t set up we shoulda bailed then. and then I would have my friends still. From what my friends tell me that are there, things are getting better and safer, But these people have been fighting for 2000 some odd years, once we leave they will restart.

People dont always know whats best for them(holy ignorant statement), but its kinda true. Yes a lot of citizens think we are doing more harm then good, but Im not sure they are seeing the bigger picture. The information we had at the time about the situation in iraq was good, it didnt turn up later after we were steadfast in there that the information was flawed.

And to answer your last question, that is the hardest part.

The biggest problem i have with all of this is. If we do just pull out fast, then all of those deaths will have been for nothing, since it will return to normal for them, If we can even give them a fleeting chance at a true government and democracy that might last even 6 months, i think then we did our best given the circumstances and we made some change for the better.

I do not think they will ever be democratic, it will shift from dictator to dictator.

Thats all for now.