as expected, i get a refund with obama, i pay taxes with mccain.
an interesting note: at minimum wage, someone would STILL OWE taxes under McCain’s plan. MINIMUM WAGE!
Yep. Bill fuckin Clinton promised to cut my taxes when he was running for president too. One of his main planks was the middle class tax cut. So what did ole slick willy do? He RAISED my taxes. Of course, he apologized, and told me he really tried hard to give me a tax cut, but he HAS to raise my taxes instead. Fuck the democrats and fuck hussein obama, i do not believe he will cut taxes on the middle class.
Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice…
Also, George Bush said no new taxes…
They are a bunch of lying thieves, both major parties. The IRS can go fly a kite. Repeal the 16th Amendment!
that refund money has got to come from somewhere. It comes out of your paychecks. If can live off minimum wage, get two jobs.
So because you are too lazy to work to get out of minimum wage pay then you should be exempt from paying taxes? No, let the people who work hard to get where they are cover the minimum wage folks. They have it hard.
I make shit wage, but I’m not out asking anything from anyone. Your fate is what you make it.
Yep, and he got fired for raising them.
Bush got fired. Show me…
Clinton (spending less then total tax revenue) > Bush (spending WAY more) bush = worst pres. in the history of the US
i have family in Uniontown, very low income town…
they couldnt wait for the min wage increase, but funny as it seemed…cousins husband got let go bc they couldnt afford to pay all the employees bc the expenses only went up.
no body sees that point. you can raise min wage all you want…everything else is going to go up with it to in turn pay for your wage increase.
i wish the govt was setup in a way that people could choose where they want there taxes to go. I have no problem paying taxes or maybe even more taxes if I could choose what funds it would go to. My ideal govt would be a govt full of buckets. Show me your budget and your biz plan and I will contribute to your bucket if I see fit.
I imagine I spend about 50K in taxes every year. Between Income tax, Property Tax, Sales Tax etc. And I still have shitty ass roads to drive on, homeless people asking me for money, and a govt blowing my money like it’s going out of style. Kinda sucks for that “Middle Class” person.
Actually, Carter was the worst but you were too young to remember that debacle. Plus it wouldn’t have affected you.
just remember selling out other things for a few hundred dollars isnt always worth it. if a few hundred is gonna make or break you…then maybe you should re-evaluate what you do, not what a pres is gonna do.
obama people are up and down my street askin people if they are registered to vote… to me thats a sign of despartation. its always the same type of people too… so i’m washing my monte carlo and two dykes/treehuggers/other are going door to door with this obama shit… they take one look at the car i’m washing and keep walkin. I was glad because they wouldnt have been prepared for my line of questions i had ready for them.
A difference of $500 will NOT persuade my decision on who should run this country.
George W. Bush is the Worst ever…worst then Carter. these are all in the top 10… GWB, Carter, Nixon, Buchanan, Tyler, Harding… but i still think GWB is the worst.
withh my half million a year salary i’m soooo much better off under mccain. four more years W! four more years!
[ame=“”]YouTube - Hayden Panettiere Drops F-Bombs for John McCain[/ame]
You are entitled to your opinion, and with your current life experience, i can understand you feeling that way. However, i lived through and bought my first house when Carter was president.
Here is the legacy of Carter:
Iran hostage crisis:
True, Carter did not “take us into an illegal war”, but he was a large cause of all the crap we are still dealing with today. Do some research into what Carter did that lead to the fall of the shah of Iran, Khomeinis rise into power, the kidnapping of Americans that he allowed to drag on for 444 days.
Yep. oil has gone crazy, but then again, it did during Carters years also, from $13 to $34. Remember waiting in line for 2 hours for gas in 1979? I do! How long have you waited in line for gas during the Bush term?
1977 6.5%
1978 7.7%
1979 11.3%
1980 13.5%
Interest rates:
Climbed throughout the Carter tern, with the prime rate peaking at 21.5% in 1980. Mortgage interest rates averaged 15%. To give you an idea what that means in real dollars, a $100,000 mortgage at 6% (a good average for the Bush term) is $599/mo. That same $100K at 15% yields a $1264/mo payment.
The poverty rate climbed from 11.4%(First Carter year) to 15.2%(final Carter year) That is a 33% increase.
Misery index
Average for the Carter term 16.27%. Reached an all time high of 21.98% in 1980. Bush averaged 8.01%, with a high(this year) of 11.3%
what does that even mean? mccain is claiming to not raise taxes… obama just wants to penalize the rich… so, if you were making 500k, you would either still be hit with the same tax or more… so which is better?
it’s a dumb argument… income tax is about 2% of a reason to vote for a candidate, but i know this was just your attempt to be satirically humorous. what is sad is that obama wants to use this extra tax on the ‘rich’ to hand it out to the poor, rather than to try to subside government spending… it wont fix anything, just gives people false hope and incentive to vote for him.
I’m sure you have seen this before but in case you haven’t and are a small business owner, work for a small business owner or support a small business owner here are some important facts (
Record Tax Hike on Small Businesses Will Kill Last Job-Creating Sector
Five Things You Might Not Know About Obama’s Small Business Tax Hikes
- Two-thirds of small business profits are earned in households making more than $250,000 per year—the very households Obama is shouting from the rooftops that he will raise taxes on (Source: IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin*). Small business profits are used to create jobs and invest in America. This is the answer to the Obama campaign’s irrelevant claim that the number of small businesses affected will be small—the fact is that the bulk of profits will face a tax hike.
- Small businesses pay income taxes at the household level. This means that the Obama plan to raise tax rates is a direct tax hike on small businesses—sole proprietorships, partnerships, S-corporations, and family farms
- The tax rate on the lion’s share of small business income could reach 54.9 percent under a President Obama (the individual top rate will climb from 35 percent to 39.6 percent and the Social Security/Medicare tax rate could climb from 2.9 percent to 15.3 percent. Put those together, and you get 54.9 percent) (Source:
- This 54.9 percent tax rate would be the highest since the Carter Administration, when America suffered through double-digit inflation and unemployment (Source: Congressional Budget Office)
- America’s 26 million small businesses employers give a paycheck to 116 million employees (Source: Census Bureau). When small business taxes go up, millions of these employees will be at risk of being laid off.
“Obama’s tax increases will only affect you if you have a 401(k), have any savings, buy things from small businesses or are looking for a job,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. “If you fall into one of these categories, his policies will screw you. Otherwise, you’re fine.”
I’m not a big fan of McCain but do own a small business. I’d rather pay my employees instead of laying them off and having our hard earned money redirected ANYWHERE, especially to tax rebates for those who pay little or no tax.
Another important point to consider. Are you a hunter, gun owner or shooting sports enthusiast? If so Google “Joyce Foundation and Obama”. Obama claims to “support gun owners”. Yet from 1998-2001 he served as a director of the Joyce foundation (and received $70,000 in compensation) which funded legal scholarship advancing the theory that the Second Amendment does not protect individual gun owners’ rights. The foundation Since 2003, the Joyce Foundation has paid grants totaling over $12 million to gun control organizations and calls for an outright ban on handguns, semi-automatic and other firearms, and substantial restrictions on gun owners.