Directions: Quote this questionnaire for your response and answer the question, no need for rants just try to answer the question as simply as you can.
Do you believe Obama is going to raise your taxes? If so are you making $250k or more?
Do you believe Obama’s campaign is responsible for the recent scandal involving ACORN?
Do you believe that Obama agrees with the policies of Bill Ayers during the 1960’s?
Do you believe that Obama is a Muslim?
Do you believe that Obama has ties to terrorism in the Middle East?
Do you believe Obama is a communist?
Do you believe Obama will try to take away your guns?
Do you believe Obama is going to raise your taxes? If so are you making $250k or more?
Yes to raise taxes, no to making more than 250k. I’ve seen how quickly socialized health care costs spiral out of control and you’re living in a dream world if you believe Obama’s figures.
Do you believe Obama’s campaign is responsible for the recent scandal involving ACORN?
100% responsible, no, but more involvement than the media is willing to dig into.
Do you believe that Obama agrees with the policies of Bill Ayers during the 1960’s?
Do you believe that Obama is a Muslim?
No, he sat in that racist church run by Wright for 20+ years.
Do you believe that Obama has ties to terrorism in the Middle East?
Do you believe Obama is a communist?
He supports wealth redistribution, a modern day robin hood. It doesn’t reach the level of communism but it does have a strong odor of socialism.
Do you believe Obama will try to take away your guns?
Obama directly, no. Through the appointments he’ll get to make to the Supreme Court in the next 4 years, possibly.
Do you believe that Obama is racist?
Maybe. I can’t picture any racially tolerant person sitting in Wright’s church for 20 years listening to him preach hate against the white devil.
Do you believe that Obama is American?
As American as they come in that he believes in rewarding the people who do the least with the riches of the people who do the most.
my only question and this is a serious question specifically to Jay because i know you’ll give me a serious thought out response.
why does sitting in a racially intolerant church make him a racist? Its like saying all mormans(sp) are racist because part of joesph smith teaching were people of color were inferior and should be treated as slaves.
My point is we all do things for whatever reason and we may not agree with all that is going on but we are there for the greater good ie Obama wanted to be at the church for its teachings, preachings or whatever and choose to ignore the racial aspects of it. similar to maybe some of you who have racist friends who say dumb shit you may not agree with but you may still be their friend regardless of their opinions
A couple points here so let me take them one at a time.
If you believe the teachings of that faith that say a colored person is inferior and should be your slave then yes, you’re a racist. Maybe it’s that I’m an atheist so it makes it easier for me to look at this objectively, but this seems like a no brainer to me. Just because an organized religion says it’s ok does not give you a free pass for not questioning them in your role in society.
*Disclaimer: I don’t know a lot about the Mormon faith, so I don’t know if AFrank’s claim is true or not. He hasn’t made stuff up in the past so I’m assuming it’s true.
Obama sitting in that church for 20 years and claiming to ignore the racial aspects of it.
I have few issues with that.
First, there are thousands and thousands of Catholic churches to choose from in this country, and I’m sure dozens in Obama’s neighborhood. Sure, I bet Wright’s church preached more than just hate in those 20 years, but Obama could have easily decided to attend a church that wasn’t preaching any hate.
Second, Obama wasn’t just some lax Catholic going to chuch to balance his checkbook, write out his grocery list, or what ever things people who go to church just because they’re supposed to do while they sit there. He called this man his spiritual advisor. Yes, we probably all have friends who are a bit racist but I don’t think anyone I know would claim their racist buddy is their spiritual advisor. I certainly know no one running for high public office should be.
Third, Obama tried to cover it up and spin it. First he claimed Wright was just misunderstood. Then as more and more ugly video got uploaded to YouTube Obama said he really wasn’t that involved in the church. Then when Tim Russert dug up the transcript of Obama calling Wright his spiritual advisor Obama finally realized he had to denounce the guy. I guess that was good enough for the Obama nation, but I’m one of those people who puts a lot more weight on 20 years of action than one reluctant denouncement clearly done to further a political career.
Jay thx for the thought out response and i can agree with what you say. i would like to hope that he isnt a racist but i also dont wanna paint with a broad brush because of his affiliation towards the church.
I actually first heard of the mormon racial teachings watching bill maher and just browsed the topic here is an AP link i found quick that references the prior doctrine of blacks being inferior
Let me flip it on you. How do you think America would feel if they found out McCain sat in a church for 20 where some white pastor preached about how blacks are responsible for all the crime and welfare in the country? And he then said that pastor was his spiritual adviser. Regardless of what positives the church also preached it would be the end of McCain’s career.
Do you believe Obama is going to raise your taxes? If so are you making $250k or more?
You are trying to imply a simple no brainer answer to the tax issue and completely misinterperating the theory behind lowering the taxes on the rich. The rich in this coutry are buisness owners.
Tax the rich (buisness owners) less, which allows more money to expand their buisness’s and employ more people, thus creating jobs & money.
Tax them more, making them have less money and less opportunity to expand or even shut them down. people get laid off, lose jobs, buisness’s close up and or move overseas where labor is cheap and they can afford to expand.
think of it like this. If you own a company, you have a set profit margain to keep the company in buisness. Now the government just massivly increases your taxes, and you have to make up for that loss. You have 2 options of doing this, either A) lay off employees to try to make up the differance, which in turn hinders production and you end up losing money, or B) you must jack up prices to make up the differance in the money you are losing so that you can keep in buisness. The trickle down theory does work. When you cut taxes on the very rich (who already pay 95% of them), you free up extra money for them to invest in their buisness and make it larger, which is the good thing about a capitolist country.
Tax cut = larger buisness = more product = more jobs to produse said product = stimulation of the economy.
Oh, and don’t you remember what happened with NAFTA? millions of Americans lost jobs because of outsourcing. This WILL happen to more and more companies if the greedy ass government keeps taxing the shit out of successful businesses. People that run a business have one thing in mind, keep the business going to make a profit. If you make it harder for them to do this, they will go where they can stay in business.