Opie and Anthony

Skunk lets move to Mastic

did anyone catch the larry king bit yesterday? THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU.

haa aha…yea i caught it…Janet teaching him to dance FTW


what am i listening to right now

this is so wrong…but so funny

booo, I had a meeting through most of it :tdown:

btw, did any of you guys go see louis CK when he was in buffalo?

“fuck you lucky louie, buffalo rules… wanna fight?”

nah i didnt, it was on VDAY i was outta town… did someone say that there??

yeah, he was trashing buffalo (part of his act) and someone got all offended by it and was trying to heckle him. After Louie lit him up, the guy stood up and was trying to get the bills chant going (make me want to shout song) with 3 of his friends.

after people in the audience started telling him to shut the fuck up, he got mad and was telling louie he was going to fight him or some shit :picard:

then security kicked him out, followed by applause :lol:

lol what a dope! i woulda threw my drink on that dummy

Baby Shit Mustache…OMG Bob Kelley puking is hilarious

how long have you guys been listening?

my first show i heard was baby bird… but then i did a ton of reasearch on videos, references, listened to a ton of best of, so i think i get pretty much all references and linger longereersss, but listen every day

ahh nice nice I started listenin last summer and been downloading old shows. theyre funny as hell. I can listen to the old shows over n over. i def listen everyday too I wake up right at 6. And punnttttttt lingerrrrrr longerrruhh.

my work just blocked XM… o m G

does your cell phone have full internet on it?

if so, use Orb.com and uXM on your home PC… that’s what I’ve been using since my work shut off our sound cards.

instructions for iphone (but works with just about any device that has web access)

no my phone is weaK.

i think , i may pull the trigger and subscribe, and then have it in my car as well…

check out the Jimmy Norton clip on youtube blasting Derek Jeter…hilarious

well worth the $$$ :clap:

word ill do it now as a matter of fact - me and my buddy are goin to see him when hes in PA on may 5th should be good

that was hilarious too bad it wasnt the XM side

ya, the XM ones are always better, but Jimmy somehow still makes me laugh on syndication with the wierd sayings he always uses…like silly goose, lolz

i dont think i would ever laugh at that term unless it was coming out fo his mouth