Overnighted some parts from Japan

I placed an order to Tokyo Japan, and came home to a box stuffed full of Japanese newspapers, a Japanese dell catalog, and some tail lights!

Mad JDM Yo:




Close up of the stock Evo VIII style:


Now, a close up of the JDM Evo VII style:


Much better :tup:



needs the wing.

mAd JdM yO!

those look great man

another step in the right direction :tup:

put the wing on and get yourself a JDM rear

Looking good!

Neither one looks better IMO

Car looks better without the wing dude.

Fill the holes in, and have it repainted.

Looks nice with the red lamps!

Getting the trunk replaced under warranty with an MR trunk

niiice, good decission. :tup:

Wat? I think you mean RS (wingless)?

Tails look good, I could just never justify spending that much coin on them. :tup:

Overnight!? I bet you sleep on the right side of the bed too…

They do look pretty sweet.

Yeah, whatever the wingless one is.

wingless = the way to go

Those tails look good with the red car. :tup:

looks 10* better , and keep rocking the no wing

looks awesome! please put the wing back on.

looks great, keep the wing off

Looks clean.

Like the !Wing

put the wing back on. the wing off was cool when no one had the wing off. i’m over it and like it better on.

you’re car is coming along great. you must really love this thing. :tup: