pjb killed santa

yup it was me

no, definately not him and my brother was in the truck. I had just gone to bed and ran to the door because I heard two vehicles.

gotchya. and lol at your new sig with the camaro thing :lmao


santa sled…hmm that would definetly go well with your costume…with the sled you could prolly get more lil kids on your lap…just say ho ho ho and offer them toys, your matchbox car collection might actually turn out to be useful :ninja :rofl

oh haiii

i was at the lot… then went home, got shitfaced and banged one of my x’s

hahahaaha man i cant believe u guys are trying to investigate this…

lets get like 3 or 4 together and stake it out one night and if anyone happens to show up we’ll bring em down

(ok actually what would probably happen is we would wind up putting some random ass shit in pauls truck because we would get bored after 4 hours of sitting around :lol )

i have access to a 2500HD whenever i need it. :ninja

BAHAHAHAHH :rofl :rofl

Wow, what I want to know is where they found that piece of junk!?

It’s definitely a bunch of drunk kids pulling one over on you. You should definitely invest in a surveilence camera. I actually saw these at Sam’s Club and they were fairly inexpensive.

Dude… a webcam on a PC looking out your window. Just set it to record, non stop. A 80GB drive will last a long ass time. If you really want, I can rig it up with ya… then we can post it on YouTube. LOL… it will be epic.

They’re still dumping trash in your truck bro? You should mindfuck them and fill your truck to the brim with your own garbage! Pics required if you do this though.


Mount a shot gun, in the bed, barrel facing the tail gate. As soon as they hop up on the bumper or drop the tail gate, they are staring right down the barrel! I would stop the shit at that point.

PJB my parents own horses and would prboly take that sleigh of your hands

Real talk.

  1. That sleigh looks pretty beat.
  2. Be my new best friend?

My step dad build/ restores sleighs.

My mom owns mini horses and regualr horses he has made sleighs and buggies for both

that sleigh is rather ghetto, I wouldnt feel safe putting a plastic santa in it on my front lawn.

Put this in it

we have an old buggy taking up valuable vehicle space. pm me if your mom wants it.

I have a truck, but there’s no way in hell I’d fuck up the rhino liner to put some POS lawn ornament in the back of it. Things too pretty to do anything other than tow the 50 footer :rofl:rofl

Still laughing :lol If this was just some random single event it be funny thing but the fact that it’s been going on for what, weeks now?, makes it fucking hilarious.