christmas in july?

so no joke my girl and i were about to leave when she walks into my living room were i was talking to my roomate and says um why is one of our neighbors mowing her lawn in a santa hat and elf shoes. no more explination is given for i do not know the reason. but here are the pictures i took.


And sweet ‘70’s electric lawnmower that looks like a heavily abused sit n’ spin :rofl:rofl:rofl

:rofl :rofl :rofl

EVIL! Kill it with Fire!

ELF…More like a troll…


ROFL… I love the kick ass candid pics you took! your the man… go finish your car so I can drive it while your out of town!

No lie your neighbors really are weird. Is that a neighbor or the crazy lady living upstairs

Bitch is on meth.

its a neighbor. and we noticed later she just started pushing a snowblower. it wasnt on but she was pushing it. lol

Haha this is great.

im coming to hang out at your place, i need to witness this first hand.

Surprisingly her house doesnt have wheels.

pjb shes the one putting junk in your truck