It used to scare the hell out of me if I had to go out to the car or something when I would stay down there.
I can’t deal with all that wilderness crap.
Luckily I know all of my neighbors, so if they are outside doing something retarded I usually just yell out my window at them with a megaphone :rofl It’s rather amusing, actually. I haven’t done it in a while because it’s been so cold but once people are outside more I always enjoy shouting things at them from my bedroom window.
My cousin has long ass skater hair, so I yelled at him to get a haircut. The whole neighborhood heard it, my neighbors were outside doing yardwork and I could hear them laughing after I said it. :lol My cousin gave me the finger. Oh well, the kid reallky should get a haircut. It’s a safety hazard when it covers your eyes. shakes head
Try having the chainsaw 5 feet from your front door! My neighbor all summer will be making wooden bear statues with his chainsaw… pretty cool to watch once or twice… but 1) he’s not that great at it, and 2) HE CAN’T SELL ANY OF THEM! lol
he starts at like 7 or 8 in the morning. It’s AWFUL. And to make it worse he does it right in the driveway on his side and the wind blows the shavings and dust ALL over my car… i yell at him to tell me so i can move my effing car but he never does…
DO ETTTT, you know you want to. next time he does it drive up next to him and proceed to rev the balls off it for 20-30 minutes without looking at him, just straight ahead. That would be fucking epic :rofl
My one neighbor was using the oldest McCulloch chainsaw with the shittiest chain ever with no muffler last year to cut up (or try to anyway) the tree that was between both of our houses. He did this for probably 1 week straight on his free time. I didnt care and just laughed, so one day i felt bad b/c i knew he wasnt really getting anywhere but working his ass off as he only made about 3 or for complete cuts into the massive tree. I ended up bringing my husqvarna 350 out there and finished it all up in no time.
My neighbor across the street came over one night in his bathrobe to complain that we were being too loud when we walked up the street from the bar.
My other neighbors drink alot and are usually out when its nice out, its like a huge party.
When i was still working on my house and not living there yet the guy that lives on the street in back of my house was having a fire and they were being loud so i yelled over at them that they were being too loud. I walked over there with some extra beers and they realized i was younger and joking around with them.
x2 say what you want about D’burg but NOONE bothers me when I’m out in the shop, and the only noise i have is cars going by on Rt.7. hardly noticeable.
Occasionally you get the I-88 jake brake, but if you don’t enjoy a good jake every now and then you are a pussy and shouldn’t be in D’burg anyway.
Shit I remember the first time I rode with my Godfather (he drives a milktanker) The exhaust is right next to the passenger window, well I was leaning with my head out the window when it went off… Scared the shit outa me… but they sound awsome