Need a fence installed...V. neighbor issues

ok, here is the deal. I have suddenly had issue with my next door neighbor. I work late meaning i get out at midnight and sometimes 2am. When i get home i pull into my driveway and open the garage door to shut off lights and enter my home through the attached garage.

well, the other night i got home and i needed to move my 328 into the garage so i could park the m5 in my driveway. Next door neighbor starts screaming f-bombs and profanities out the window at me about noise qand my cars being loud. His house/bedroom window is litteraly 2-3ft from my property line. Even if i had a electric car he would still here it. So i told him tough shit and to deal with it.

well, i think id like to put up a fence to help cancel out some of the noise problems.:slight_smile: I already have a fence but id like to install a 6ft boarder fence.

here is a picture of my land survey so you know what im talking about.

I called town inspector and he said it cant be more forward then the front of my house and no taller then 6ft. also needs to be 6in off property line.

anyone know of anygood fencing people?

Thanks for the details of where I need to go midnight shop for a new M5, nummie num

lol are you going to put a fence 2 feet in front of his window? That’s really fucking hilarious.

Would you like to snag me some turbo parts and rare wheels too? I could use them.

you wouldnt want it. has mild steel exhaust tips.

:smiley: hey, im just trying to help with the noise issue.

sure, i hope you like 85lb pitbulls.:smiley:

fuck that lady jon…ill park my car on her porch now

I was hoping Don would do the dirt work :stuck_out_tongue:

i doubt a fence is going to do anything to control your neighbor’s complaining.

Maybe just put a quieter exhaust on the cars and be done with it?

I haven’t heard your car in person but in the NC thread you said the M5 has a muffler delete and I doubt that turbo beast of yours is real quiet either. If you start a war the neighbor is going to win because you’re the one with the illegal exhaust. If he starts complaining to the cops you’re just going to end up with a mountain of exhaust tickets because the cops will get sick of the calls from the guy and start watching for you.

A fence will do very little to stop the bass of a loud exhaust. I can hear the rumble of my car idling in the garage clearly from interior rooms in my house. I’m an 8-5 guy and have asked my neighbors about it so no one has a problem with it. If I were getting home between 12am and 2am a lot I would have left the exhaust stock. A little courtesy goes a long way when living in closely packed suburbs. Put yourself in his shoes for a minute. He probably works a normal 8-5 job and goes to bed between 10 and 11, only to be awakened by your illegal exhaust every night. Remember, anything louder than stock is illegal in NY.

I agree, but it would give me more of a sense of privacy and piss them off. Ive had to deal with there house not being sided and wrapped in plastic for over a year. they finally side it and there shaving of aluminum and vinal are all over my lawn. I had to clean it up, not to mention they set up there work equipment on my property since they only have like 2ft of there own. Then i had to clean up thousands of shards of glass from a window they put to the curb that blew onto my property. Theres still glass everywhere.

The broad had the nerve to ask me to turn off my garage lights because they go into here windows at night. so i agreed io would, even though i know they were tampering with my lights shaking them to make them go out when im not home. I feel i have been a pretty good neighbor up till about now where i am just sick of there shit. And im just discusted at the language here white trash husband thought he could use at me.

so fuck em. this is war.

yea, ive been more then courties. I dont romp on my car in the drive way. i idle them. I even shut down my chopper and coast when i enter my driveway. they are arrogent and i dont care.

And as far as the law goes, i am currently in the middle of becomeing an erie county sheriff/ police officer. So i dont think ill have a problem with the law.

Putting up a privacy fence isnt hard, I did mine with precut dogwood from home depot. The fence companies put up the prefab sheets and it looks crappy.

Lol at a fence 2ft outside of his window…

Just be sure not to do anything illegal. I’m in for updates, though. lol

How does a bunch of noise complaints look on an Erie County sheriff job application? I’m not being a smart ass, I honestly don’t know what kind of background checks they do. I assume a basic “toss your name in the computer and see what pops up” check.

I’d put the fence up but try and keep it amicable. It’s better to have them isolated but still friendly than start a war where the two of you are calling the police or zoning department over every little thing.

Seems like you have already tried being more then polite and a decent neighbor.I know once the fence is up their bdrm will be alot warmer as you will kill most wind going that way.I guess that will be another perk or said fence!

This has crossed my mind as well. They do an background investigation where they ask your neighbors about you, but i highly doubt that they would have anything nice to say regardless of what heppens from here on out.

I cut the old ladies grass accross the street because no one else will and i get along fine with the people accross the street. The only real issue is the people next door and its realy only because there bedroom faces my garage and the backs of my cars. Sucks for them, but there are a million different approaches this guy could of took in order to come to a resolution. He is lucky i didnt call the police on him after the shit coming outta his mouth at 2:30am in the mornin.

ughh, i need to start proof reading my alot of spelling errors. haha

Any decent articles or instructions on building a fence? maybe i should go get a book from the home depot.

ah yea they sound like douchebags.
put up your fence then hook up a very sensitive motion detector to your outside lights.

Maybe I’ll start driving by your house every time I go through instead of just staying on the main roads… that guy is a dick. I was mad when I left. Fuck him.

Also get a camera pod for the overhang by the garage door to at least detur any more vandalism of your lights.