douchebag neighbor and property line/town law questions

So on the right side of my house lives a douchebag. Last year he decided to put up a vinyl fence. While that sounds wonderful, he put it on my property.

When I say property, the rear corner of my house is not accessible to ME. My house is now in his yard.

This of course doesnt fly, so we told him he had to get it fixed. Flashforward to this year, and it still isn’t fixed. He claimed he couldn’t get a quote to fix it … I got a quote in a day for $600. We were even generous enough to offer to split the cost, but gave him only a week to decide. He said he wants to get a survey done. I dont know how he expects the surveyor to say his property is right up against my house, but we agreed he has till Friday for a supposed survey, or we’re ripping the post out of the ground.

We called the town and they said there is nothing they can do, we’d have to take him to court. But, he decides to call the town today about our pool (which is on the complete opposite side of my yard near my other neighbor) for God knows what reason … I chalk it up to him being a douchebag. Well, the town comes over and says we have to take our pool down (which has been there forever) because its 8ft from my “cool” neighbors property, but it needs to be 10ft.

Can me and my cool neighbor do a signed agreement accepting where the pool is? Or does it not even matter if my neighbor is okay with it?

I also wonder how the town can come over and say I need to remove my pool for being too close, but wont do anything about him literally having my house in his yard.

Fuck the town and the shit head neighbor, rip the fucker out of the ground.

I would have had the chainsaw out the day following him putting up the fence in the wrong location and him not moving it

Sounds like your dick head neighbor needs his fence “accidentally” knocked over today

If the pool was there before the law came into effect, you do not have to take it down. Most pools AFAIK require a building permit nowadays too.

This. Find out when that ordinance went into effect and when your pool was installed.

Go buy some chain. Find someone with a truck. Make his fence go away.

fuck that have someone just drive straight through it in the middle of the night.

I would love to run your neighbors fence over with the big truck! just let me know! or we can toss a chain on it, your call

Any way you can toss a pic up on here to see how douchy he was/is? lol

Ill tow the post and your dickhead neighbor down the road via chain!!

This. Previous code does not apply.

Ive got a 19’ trucker chain in the bed of my truck at all times

Pics of fence please

Chainsaw on standby…waiting for command to cut.

I got another truck I can volunteer to assist in removing said post/fence/neighbor. But for cereal, if the pool was already there not a thing can be done. I don’t think good be wrong removing the fence either though because your neighbor won’t pay to have a survey done I’m sure. Let him short out the aftermath lol!

Ur property, ur fence. Cut that shit down!

Yeah, I’ll explain a little better. Basically, there has always been a pool there, basically for the last 20 years … but it’s been three different pools. This last one was installed last year, same spot as always. The guy from the town said “The satellite image doesn’t show a pool here”, which was taken in between replacing pools … yet … you can clearly see the sand where the prior pool was.

Of course, since this is technically a new pool, while it’s in the same spot as it always was, and the installers said no need for a permit since we were “replacing” … the town guy still said a permit is required and it falls under new code which is 10 feet.

I talked to a good friend who builds homes and he told me that if the town said the pool has to come down … it’s coming down. :banghead

Here’s the pictures of the fence. My friend also told me that if the fence is on my property (Which I’m 99.99% sure it is), it would technically be my fence and I could do with it what I choose. Maybe I’ll put it on the other side of my house, and he can buy a whole new fence. :lol

I can’t even change out my rotting window without going into “his yard”.

Have your property surveyed by another reputable company and go to your city hall/town hall or where ever the records of property boundaries are kept. If its definitely on your lawn after all that, rip the fucking thing down and if he says anything tell him to get off your property or your calling the cops.

Theres only one good answer for this, drive over your pool and his fence.